Spread for ASP.NET 7.0 Product Documentation
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Spread for ASP.NET 7.0 Product Documentation > Client-Side Scripting Reference > Scripting Members > Methods

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Here are the client-side scripting methods. The members are listed in alphabetical order by name.

Method Summary
Add Inserts a new row at the end of the sheet.
AddKeyMap Adds a key map.
AddSelection Adds a selection.
CallBack Calls back to the ASPX page.
Cancel Cancels the changes since the most recent postback.
Cells Represents a cell on the client side.
Clear Clears the contents of the selected cells.
ClearSelection Clears all the selections in the display.
Columns Represents a column on the client side.
Copy Copies the contents of the selected cells to the Clipboard.
Delete Deletes the row with the active cell.
Edit Starts editing one row.
EndEdit Ends edit mode for the cell being edited.
ExpandRow Expands or collapses the specified row.
GetActiveChart Gets the active chart.
GetActiveChildSheetView Gets the child Spread object of the active sheet.
GetActiveCol Gets the index of the column of the active cell.
GetActiveRow Gets the index of the row of the active cell.
GetCellByRowCol Gets the table cell for the specified row and column.
GetChildSpread Gets the child Spread object of the specified relation at the specified row.
GetChildSpreads Gets an array of child Spread objects of the displayed page.
GetColByKey Gets the index number of the column for the specified key.
GetColCount Gets the number of columns in the displayed page.
GetColKeyFromCol Gets the column key index for the specified column.
GetCurrentPageIndex Gets the current page index.
GetFormula Gets the formula in the cell of the specified row and column.
GetHiddenValue Gets the value of a programmatically hidden cell at the specified row and column.
GetLeftColIndex Gets the column index of the top, left cell.
GetLocked Gets whether the cell at the specified row and column is locked.
GetPageCount Gets the number of pages.
GetParentRowIndex Gets the row index of the parent Spread object of the displayed Spread object.
GetParentSpread Gets the parent Spread object of the displayed Spread object.
GetRowByKey Gets the index number of the row for the specified key.
GetRowCount Gets the number of rows in the displayed page.
GetRowKeyFromRow Gets the row key index number for the specified row.
GetSelectedRange Gets the range of cells that are selected on the displayed page.
GetSelectedRanges Gets the ranges of cells that are selected on the displayed page.
GetSheetColIndex Gets the SheetView column index for the specified column of the displayed Spread object.
GetSheetRowIndex Gets the SheetView row index for the specified row of the displayed Spread object.
GetSpread Gets the Spread object with the specified HTML element.
GetTitleInfo Gets the title of the Spread component.
GetTopRowIndex Gets the row index of the top, left cell.
GetTotalRowCount Gets the row count for the active sheet.
GetValue Gets the value of a cell in the specified row and column.
HideMessage Hides the message from the ShowMessage method.
Insert Inserts a new row before the row with the active cell.
IsValid Returns whether the last value the user typed is valid.
LoadData Loads the data in the background.
MoveToFirstColumn Moves the active cell to the first column.
MoveToLastColumn Moves the active cell to the last column.
MoveToNextCell Moves the active cell to the next cell.
MoveToNextRow Moves the active cell to the next row.
MoveToPrevCell Moves the active cell to the previous cell.
MoveToPrevRow Moves the active cell to the previous row.
Next Changes the display to show the next page.
Paste Pastes the Clipboard contents to the cells.
Prev Changes the display to show the previous page.
Print Prints the sheet.
PrintPDF Prints the sheet to PDF.
RemoveKeyMap Removes an assigned action from a mapped key.
ResumeLayout Resumes the layout.
Rows Sets or returns the height of the row.
ScrollTo Moves the specified cell to the top, left corner of the view area.
SetActiveCell Sets the active cell to the cell at the specified row and column.
SetActiveChart Sets the active chart.
SetColWidth Sets a column to a specified width.
SetFormula Sets the formula in a cell at the specified row and column.
SetHiddenValue Sets a value in a hidden cell.
SetLocked Sets whether the cell at the specified row and column is locked.
SetSelectedRange Sets the specified range of cells as selected.
SetValue Sets a value of the cell at the specified row and column.
ShowMessage Shows an error message.
SizeToFit Sets the size of the column width to the maximum text width for the column.
SortColumn Sorts the specified column.
StartEdit Puts a cell into edit mode to allow editing the cell.
SuspendLayout Temporarily suspends the layout.
Update Saves the changes to the Spread object back to the server.
UpdatePostBackData Saves the changes to the postback data.

For an introduction to scripting, refer to the Scripting Overview.

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