Spread Windows Forms 12.0 Product Documentation
Border Styles Substituted
Spread Windows Forms 12.0 Product Documentation > Import and Export Reference > Excel-Formatted Files Import > Border Styles Substituted

Spread does not handle borders of cells the same way that Excel does, so some differences may occur when importing from Excel. This table lists the Border styles that Spread uses for the corresponding Excel styles.

Excel Style Spread Style (number is width in pixels)
none none
Custom - 1 - Dotted Dotted – 1
Dash - 1 Dashed – 1
Custom - 1 - DashDotDot Dotted – 1
Custom - 1 - DashDot Dashed – 1
Custom - 1 - Hair Solid – 1
Solid - 1 - Thin Solid – 1
Custom - 2 - MediumDashDotDot Dotted – 3
Custom - 3 - SlantedDashDot - SlantedCompound Dashed – 5
Custom - 2 - MediumDashDot Dashed – 3
Custom - 2 - MediumDash Dashed – 3
Solid - 2 - Medium Solid – 3
Solid - 3 - Thick Solid – 5
Custom - 3 - DoubleCompound Double –5