Spread Formula Reference
Formula Functions > Functions M to Q > NOW

This function is used to determine the current date and time. It returns a serial number that represents the current date and time in Excel. The results are updated each time a worksheet is opened or refreshed.




This function does not accept arguments.


This function is updated only when the spreadsheet or cell containing the function is recalculated. This is a volatile function with version 2.5 or later.

Data Types

Does not accept data. Returns a numeric value.


If it is 04:50:00 P.M. , February 14, 2019, then:

NOW() gives the result 43510.70174

Version Available

This function is available in product version 1.0 or later. This function is a volatile function in version 2.5 or later.

Note: If a user uses LegacyBehaviors.CalculationEngine, the NOW function will return the DateTime object instead of the serial numeric value. For more details, please refer to breaking changes for legacy behaviors.

See Also

DATEVALUE | TIME | Date and Time Functions