| Name | Description |
| BackColor | Gets or sets the background color of the cell for the style. |
| Border | Gets or sets the border of the cell style. |
| CanFocus | Gets or sets whether the user can set focus to the cell using the keyboard or mouse. |
| CanSerializeXml | Gets whether the object in its entirety can be rendered with XML without losing any information. |
| CellPadding | Gets or sets the number of spaces to add to the cell(s) in pixels. |
| CellType | Gets or sets the type of cell for the style. |
| Editor | Gets or sets the editor of the cell style. |
| Font | Gets or sets the font settings of the cell for the style. |
| FontStyle | Gets the font style applied to the cell for the style. |
| ForeColor | Gets or sets the text color of the cell for the style. |
| Formatter | Gets or sets the formatter of the cell style. |
| HorizontalAlignment | Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the contents of the cell for the style. |
| ImeMode | Gets or sets the IME mode of the cell style. |
| ImeSentenceMode | Gets or sets the ImeSentenceMode of the cell style. |
| InputScope | Gets or sets the input scope of the cell style. |
| IsEmpty | Gets whether there are no style settings set. |
| LockBackColor | Gets or sets the background color of locked cell //FB#222758 briannguyen 2016/12/13 |
| Locked | Gets or sets the whether the style marks cells as locked. |
| LockFont | Gets or sets the font for locked cells //FB#222758 briannguyen 2016/12/13 |
| LockForeColor | Gets or sets the foreground color of locked cells //FB#222758 briannguyen 2016/12/13 |
| NoteIndicatorColor | Gets or sets the color of the cell note indicator. |
| NoteIndicatorPosition | Gets or sets the position of the cell note indicator. |
| NoteIndicatorSize | Gets or sets the size of the cell note indicator. |
| NoteStyle | Gets or sets the note style of the cell for the style. |
| Parent | Gets or sets the name of the parent (NamedStyle object) of the style. |
| Renderer | Gets or sets the renderer of the cell style. |
| TabStop | Gets or sets whether the user can set focus to the cell using the Tab key. |
| TextIndent | Gets or sets the amount to indent the text in a cell for the style. |
| VerticalAlignment | Gets or sets the vertical alignment of contents of the cell for the style. |
| VisualStyles | Gets or sets whether visual styles are on or off for the cell. |