FarPoint.Win.Spread Assembly > FarPoint.Win.Spread Namespace : SpreadActions Class |
For a list of all members of this type, see SpreadActions members.
Name | Description | |
ActivateNextChild | Activates the next object in the draw order. | |
ActivateNextShape | Activates the next shape in the draw order. | |
ActivatePreviousChild | Activates the previous object in the draw order. | |
ActivatePreviousShape | Activates the previous shape in the draw order. | |
CancelEditing | Turns off edit mode and removes the changes. | |
ClearCell | Removes all of the contents of the active cell. | |
ClearSelectedCells | Removes all of the contents of the selected cell. | |
ClearSelectedCellsData | Clears the selected cells which have data or formulas. | |
ClipboardCopy | Copies the selected items to the Clipboard. | |
ClipboardCopyActiveSheet | Copies the active sheet to the Clipboard. | |
ClipboardCopyAsString | Copies the selected items to the Clipboard as a string. | |
ClipboardCopyAsStringSkipHidden | Copies the selected items to the Clipboard as a string skipping hidden rows and columns. | |
ClipboardCopyFormatting | Copies only the selected items' formatting to the Clipboard. | |
ClipboardCopyFormulas | Copies only the selected items' formulas to the Clipboard. | |
ClipboardCopyShape | Copies the active shape to the Clipboard. | |
ClipboardCopyValues | Copies only the selected items' values to the Clipboard. | |
ClipboardCut | Cuts the selected items to the Clipboard. | |
ClipboardCutActiveSheet | Cuts the active sheet to the Clipboard. | |
ClipboardCutAsString | Cuts the selected items to the Clipboard as a string. | |
ClipboardCutAsStringSkipHidden | Cuts the selected items to the Clipboard as a string skipping hidden cells. | |
ClipboardCutDataOnly | Cuts only the data of selected items to the Clipboard. | |
ClipboardCutFormatting | Cuts the selected items formatting to the Clipboard. | |
ClipboardCutFormulas | Cuts the selected items formulas to the Clipboard. | |
ClipboardCutShape | Cuts the active shape to the Clipboard. | |
ClipboardCutValues | Cuts the selected items values to the Clipboard. | |
ClipboardPaste | Pastes the selected items from the Clipboard to the current sheet based on the setting of ClipboardPasteOptions. | |
ClipboardPasteAll | Pastes everything from the Clipboard (data and formatting) to the current sheet. | |
ClipboardPasteAsLink | Pastes only the link references from the Clipboard to the current sheet. | |
ClipboardPasteAsString | Pastes only the text from the Clipboard to the current cell. | |
ClipboardPasteAsStringSkipHidden | Pastes only the text from the Clipboard to the current cell, skipping hidden rows and columns. | |
ClipboardPasteFormatting | Pastes only the formatting from the Clipboard to the current sheet. | |
ClipboardPasteFormulas | Pastes only the formulas from the Clipboard to the current sheet. | |
ClipboardPasteShape | Pastes the shape from the Clipboard. | |
ClipboardPasteSheet | Pastes a sheet from the clipboard. | |
ClipboardPasteValues | Pastes only the values from the Clipboard to the current sheet. | |
ComboShowList | Displays the combo box list of the current cell. | |
DateTimeNow | Sets the cell's value to the date-time value of Now. | |
DeactivateChild | Deactivates the currently selected object. | |
DeactivateShape | Deactivates the currently selected shape. | |
DecreaseChildHeight | Decreases the height of the active object. | |
DecreaseChildWidth | Decreases the width of the active object. | |
DecreaseShapeHeight | Decreases the height of the active shape. | |
DecreaseShapeWidth | Decreases the width of the active shape. | |
DeleteChild | Deletes the active object. | |
DeleteShape | Deletes the active shape. | |
ExtendToFirstCell | Extends the selection to include the first cell. | |
ExtendToFirstColumn | Extends the selection to the first column. | |
ExtendToFirstItem | Extends the selection to include the first item. | |
ExtendToFirstRow | Extends the selection to the first row. | |
ExtendToLastCell | Extends the selection to include the last cell. | |
ExtendToLastCellWithData | Extends the selection to include the last cell that contains data. | |
ExtendToLastColumn | Extends the selection to the last column. | |
ExtendToLastColumnWithData | Extends the selection to the last column that contains data. | |
ExtendToLastItem | Extends the selection to include the last item. | |
ExtendToLastItemWithData | Extends the selection to include the last item with data. | |
ExtendToLastRow | Extends the selection to the last row. | |
ExtendToLastRowWithData | Extends the selection to the last row that contains data. | |
ExtendToNextColumn | Extends the selection one column to the right. | |
ExtendToNextColumnVisual | Extends the selection one column to the right. | |
ExtendToNextColumnWithData | Extends the selection right to next column with data. | |
ExtendToNextItem | Extends the selection to include the next item. | |
ExtendToNextPageOfColumns | Extends the selection to include the columns one page to the right. | |
ExtendToNextPageOfItems | Extends the selection to include the next page of items. | |
ExtendToNextPageOfRows | Extends the selection down to include one page of rows. | |
ExtendToNextRow | Extends the selection down one row. | |
ExtendToNextRowWithData | Extends the selection down to next row with data. | |
ExtendToPreviousColumn | Extends the selection one column to the left. | |
ExtendToPreviousColumnVisual | Extends the selection one column to the left. | |
ExtendToPreviousColumnWithData | Extends the selection left to previous column with data. | |
ExtendToPreviousItem | Extends the selection to include the previous item. | |
ExtendToPreviousPageOfColumns | Extends the selection to include the columns one page to the left. | |
ExtendToPreviousPageOfItems | Extends the selection to include the previous page of items. | |
ExtendToPreviousPageOfRows | Extends the selection up to include one page of rows. | |
ExtendToPreviousRow | Extends the selection up one row. | |
ExtendToPreviousRowWithData | Extends the selection up to previous row with data. | |
IncreaseChildHeight | Increases the height of the active object. | |
IncreaseChildWidth | Increases the width of the active object. | |
IncreaseShapeHeight | Increases the height of the active shape. | |
IncreaseShapeWidth | Increases the width of the active shape. | |
MoveChildDown | Moves the active object down. | |
MoveChildLeft | Moves the active object left. | |
MoveChildRight | Moves the active object right. | |
MoveChildUp | Moves the active object up. | |
MoveShapeDown | Moves the active shape down. | |
MoveShapeLeft | Moves the active shape left. | |
MoveShapeRight | Moves the active shape right. | |
MoveShapeUp | Moves the active shape up. | |
MoveToFirstCell | Moves the active cell to the first cell in the sheet. | |
MoveToFirstColumn | Moves the active cell to the first column. | |
MoveToFirstItem | Moves to the first item. | |
MoveToFirstRow | Moves the active cell to the first row. | |
MoveToLastCell | Moves the active cell to the last cell in the sheet. | |
MoveToLastCellWithData | Moves the active cell to the last cell that contains data. | |
MoveToLastColumn | Moves the active cell to the last column. | |
MoveToLastColumnWithData | Moves the active cell to the last column that contains data. | |
MoveToLastItem | Moves to the last item. | |
MoveToLastItemWithData | Moves to the last item with data. | |
MoveToLastRow | Moves the active cell to the last row. | |
MoveToLastRowWithData | Moves the active cell to the last row that contains data. | |
MoveToNextCellThenControl | Moves the active cell to next cell then the next control. | |
MoveToNextColumn | Moves the active cell to the right one column. | |
MoveToNextColumnFirstRow | Moves the active cell to the first row of the next column. | |
MoveToNextColumnVisual | Moves the active cell to the right one column. | |
MoveToNextColumnWithData | Moves the active cell to next column with data. | |
MoveToNextColumnWrap | Moves the active cell to the right one column. | |
MoveToNextItem | Moves down one item. | |
MoveToNextPageOfColumns | Moves the active cell right one page of columns. | |
MoveToNextPageOfItems | Moves down one page of items. | |
MoveToNextPageOfRows | Moves the active cell down one page of rows. | |
MoveToNextRow | Moves the active cell down one row. | |
MoveToNextRowFirstColumn | Moves the active cell to the first column of the next row. | |
MoveToNextRowWithData | Moves the active cell to next row with data. | |
MoveToNextRowWrap | Moves the active cell down one row. | |
MoveToNextSheet | Moves the active cell to the next sheet. | |
MoveToPreviousCellThenControl | Moves the active cell to previous cell then the previous control. | |
MoveToPreviousColumn | Moves the active cell to the left one column. | |
MoveToPreviousColumnFirstRow | Moves the active cell to the first row of the previous column. | |
MoveToPreviousColumnVisual | Moves the active cell to the left one column. | |
MoveToPreviousColumnWithData | Moves the active cell to previous column with data. | |
MoveToPreviousColumnWrap | Moves the active cell to the left one column. | |
MoveToPreviousItem | Moves up one item. | |
MoveToPreviousPageOfColumns | Moves the active cell left one page of columns. | |
MoveToPreviousPageOfItems | Moves up one page of items. | |
MoveToPreviousPageOfRows | Moves the active cell up one page of rows. | |
MoveToPreviousRow | Moves the active cell up one row. | |
MoveToPreviousRowFirstColumn | Moves the active cell to the first column of the previous row. | |
MoveToPreviousRowWithData | Moves the active cell to previous row with data. | |
MoveToPreviousRowWrap | Moves the active cell up one row. | |
MoveToPreviousSheet | Moves the active cell to the previous sheet. | |
None | Does not perform an action. | |
Redo | Performs a redo of the most recently undone edit or action. | |
RotateShapeClockwise | Rotates the active shape one degree clockwise. | |
RotateShapeCounterClockwise | Rotates the active shape one degree counter-clockwise. | |
ScrollToFirstCell | Scrolls to display the first cell. | |
ScrollToFirstColumn | Scrolls to display the first column. | |
ScrollToFirstRow | Scrolls to display the first row. | |
ScrollToLastCell | Scrolls to display the last cell. | |
ScrollToLastCellWithData | Scrolls to display the last cell with data. | |
ScrollToLastColumn | Scrolls to display the last column. | |
ScrollToLastColumnWithData | Scrolls to display the last column with data. | |
ScrollToLastRow | Scrolls to display the last row. | |
ScrollToLastRowWithData | Scrolls to display the last row with data. | |
ScrollToNextColumn | Scrolls right one column. | |
ScrollToNextColumnVisual | Scrolls right one column. | |
ScrollToNextPageOfColumns | Scrolls right one page of columns. | |
ScrollToNextPageOfRows | Scrolls down one page of rows. | |
ScrollToNextRow | Scrolls down one row. | |
ScrollToPreviousColumn | Scrolls left one column. | |
ScrollToPreviousColumnVisual | Scrolls left one column. | |
ScrollToPreviousPageOfColumns | Scrolls left one page of columns. | |
ScrollToPreviousPageOfRows | Scrolls up one page of rows. | |
ScrollToPreviousRow | Scrolls up one row. | |
SelectColumn | Selects the column that contains the active cell. | |
SelectFirstItem | Selects the first item. | |
SelectLastItem | Selects the last item. | |
SelectLastItemWithData | Selects the last item with data. | |
SelectNextItem | Selects the next item. | |
SelectNextPageOfItems | Selects the next page of items. | |
SelectPreviousItem | Selects the previous item. | |
SelectPreviousPageOfItems | Selects the previous page of items. | |
SelectRow | Selects the row that contains the active cell. | |
SelectSheet | Selects the entire sheet. | |
ShowSubEditor | Shows the subeditor control of the current cell. | |
StartEditing | Turns on edit mode. | |
StartEditingFormula | Allows the user to start entering a formula. | |
StopEditing | Turns off edit mode. | |
ToggleItem | Toggles the selection for the item. | |
Undo | Performs an undo of the most recent edit or action. |