| Name | Description |
| BackColor | Represents the background color of the sheet style. |
| Border | Represents the border setting of the sheet style. |
| CanFocus | Represents the can focus setting of the sheet style. |
| CellPadding | Represents the cell padding of the sheet style. |
| CellType | Represents the cell type of the sheet style. |
| Editor | Represents the editor of the sheet style. |
| Font | Represents the font of the sheet style. |
| ForeColor | Represents the text color of the sheet style. |
| Formatter | Represents the formatter of the sheet style. |
| HorizontalAlignment | Represents the horizontal alignment of the sheet style. |
| ImeMode | Represents the IME Mode of the sheet style. |
| ImeSentenceMode | Represents the IME sentence mode of the sheet style. |
| InputScope | Represents the Input scope of the sheet style. |
| LockBackColor | Represents the Lock BackColor of the sheet style. |
| Locked | Represents the lock setting of the sheet style. |
| LockFont | Represents the Lock Font of the sheet style. |
| LockForeColor | Represents the Lock ForeColor of the sheet style. |
| NoteIndicatorColor | Represents the cell note indicator color setting of the sheet style. |
| NoteIndicatorPosition | Represents the cell note indicator position of the sheet style. |
| NoteIndicatorSize | Represents the cell note indicator size of the sheet style. |
| NoteStyle | Represents the note style setting of the sheet style. |
| Parent | Represents the parent of the sheet style. |
| Renderer | Represents the renderer of the sheet style. |
| TabStop | Represents the tab stop setting of the sheet style. |
| TextIndent | Represents the text indent of the sheet style. |
| VerticalAlignment | Represents the vertical alignment of the sheet style. |
| VisualStyles | Represents the visual style setting of the sheet style. |