Spread for ASP.NET 10 Product Documentation
PrintInfo Class Members
Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by PrintInfo.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorPrintInfo ConstructorOverloaded.   
Public Properties
Public PropertyBestFitColsGets or sets whether column widths are adjusted to fit the longest string width for printing.  
Public PropertyBestFitRowsGets or sets whether row heights are adjusted to fit the tallest string height for printing.  
Public PropertyCenteringGets or sets how the printed page is centered.  
Public PropertyColEndGets or sets the last column to print when printing a cell range.  
Public PropertyColorsGets or sets the color list for the header and footer.  
Public PropertyColStartGets or sets the first column to print when printing a cell range.  
Public PropertyFirstPageNumberGets or sets the page number to print on the first page.  
Public PropertyFooterGets or sets the text and format of footers on printed pages.  
Public PropertyFooterHeightGets or sets the height in pixels of the footer area.  
Public PropertyHeaderGets or sets the text and format of headers on printed pages.  
Public PropertyHeaderHeightGets or sets the height in pixels of the header area.  
Public PropertyImagesGets or sets the image list for the header and footer.  
Public PropertyMarginGets or sets the margins for printing.  
Public PropertyOpacityGets or sets the opacity used when printing this sheet.  
Public PropertyOrientationGets or sets the page orientation used for printing.  
Public PropertyPageEndGets or sets the last page to print when printing a page range.  
Public PropertyPageOrderGets or sets the order in which pages print.  
Public PropertyPageStartGets or sets the first page to print when printing a page range.  
Public PropertyPdfSecurityGets or sets the security for printing the sheet as PDF.  
Public PropertyPrintNotesGets or sets how cell notes are printed after the sheet(s).  
Public PropertyPrintTypeGets or sets what is to be printed.  
Public PropertyRepeatColEndGets or sets the last column for a range of columns to print at the left of each page.  
Public PropertyRepeatColStartGets or sets the first column for a range of columns to print at the left of each page.  
Public PropertyRepeatRowEndGets or sets the last row for a range of rows to print at the top of each page.  
Public PropertyRepeatRowStartGets or sets the first row for a range of rows to print at the top of each page.  
Public PropertyRowEndGets or sets the last row to print when printing a cell range.  
Public PropertyRowStartGets or sets the first row to print when printing a cell range.  
Public PropertyShowBorderGets or sets whether to print the outline border around the entire control.  
Public PropertyShowColorGets or sets whether to print the colors as they appear on the screen.  
Public PropertyShowColumnFooterGets or sets whether to print the column footer.  
Public PropertyShowColumnFooterEachPageGets or sets whether to print the column footer on every page.  
Public PropertyShowColumnHeaderGets or sets whether to print the column header.  
Public PropertyShowFilterBarGets or sets whether to print the filter bar.  
Public PropertyShowGridGets or sets whether to print the grid lines.  
Public PropertyShowRowHeaderGets or sets whether to print the row header.  
Public PropertyShowSubtitleGets or sets whether to print the subtitle.  
Public PropertyShowTitleGets or sets whether to print the title.  
Public PropertySmartPrintPagesTallGets or sets the number of vertical pages to check when optimizing printing.  
Public PropertySmartPrintPagesWideGets or sets the number of horizontal pages to check when optimizing the printing.  
Public PropertySmartPrintRulesGets or sets the collection of rules to optimize the printing.  
Public PropertyUseMaxGets or sets whether to print only rows that contain data.  
Public PropertyUseSmartPrintGets or sets whether the control optimizes the printing using rules.  
Public PropertyZoomFactorGets or sets the zoom factor used for printing this sheet.  
Public Methods
Public MethodCloneCreates a new PrintInfo object that is a copy of the current instance.  
Public MethodCopyFromCopies the properties of the specified PrintInfo object to the current PrintInfo object.  
Public MethodGetObjectDataGets the object data from serialization.  
Public MethodToStringAlways returns null.  
See Also


PrintInfo Class
FarPoint.Web.Spread Namespace



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