Spread for ASP.NET 10 Product Documentation
NumberFormat Property (CurrencyCellType)

Gets or sets a NumberFormatInfo which is used to format the numeric value, such as for currency.
Public Overrides Property NumberFormat As NumberFormatInfo
Dim instance As CurrencyCellType
Dim value As NumberFormatInfo
instance.NumberFormat = value
value = instance.NumberFormat
public override NumberFormatInfo NumberFormat {get; set;}

Property Value

NumberFormatInfo object containing the format information for the number
This sets the formatting for the celltype.
FarPoint.Web.Spread.CurrencyCellType c = new FarPoint.Web.Spread.CurrencyCellType(); 
System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo nfi = new System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo(); 
nfi.NumberDecimalDigits = 3; 
nfi.NumberDecimalSeparator = ","; 
nfi.CurrencySymbol = "$";
c.NumberFormat = nfi; 
FpSpread1.ActiveSheetView.Cells[0, 0].CellType = c; 
FpSpread1.ActiveSheetView.Cells[0, 0].Value = 234.56;
Dim c As New FarPoint.Web.Spread.CurrencyCellType
Dim nfi As New System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo
nfi.NumberDecimalDigits = 3
nfi.NumberDecimalSeparator = ","
nfi.CurrencySymbol = "$"
c.NumberFormat = nfi
FpSpread1.ActiveSheetView.Cells(0, 0).CellType = c
FpSpread1.ActiveSheetView.Cells(0, 0).Value = 234.56

Target Platforms: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows XP Professional

See Also


CurrencyCellType Class
CurrencyCellType Members



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