Spread for ASP.NET Installed Files

By default, Spread installs the following files to the program files directory on your system:

Install Directory File Description
\GrapeCity\Spread.NET 12 - Company directory for installed products
\GrapeCity\Spread.NET 12\Common - Directory for files common to GrapeCity products
\GrapeCity\Spread.NET 12\Docs\Common - Documentation files for the Formula Reference

Spread for ASP.NET files:

Install Directory File Description
\GrapeCity\Spread.NET 12\
- Documentation files for Spread for ASP.NET
\GrapeCity\Spread.NET 12\
- Product directory
    \v12.x\Bin - Product Files
  FarPoint.Web.Spread.dll FarPoint Spread for Web Forms assembly
  FarPoint.Mvc.Spread.dll FarPoint Spread assembly for ASP.NET MVC 3 support - installed to \v12.x\Bin
  FarPoint.PDF.dll PDF assembly
  FarPoint.CalcEngine.dll FarPoint formulas assembly
  FarPoint.Excel.dll FarPoint Excel file
compatibility assembly
  FarPoint.Web.Chart.dll Chart control assembly
  FarPoint.Web.Chart.Design.dll Chart control designer file
  FarPoint.Web.Spread.Design.dll FarPoint Spread designer file
  FarPoint.Web.Spread.Extender.dll FarPoint Spread extender assembly
  FarPoint.Localization.dll FarPoint localization assembly
  XML Files Text for IntelliSense support
in Visual Studio .NET
  SpWebREDIST.msm Merge module for redistributing
a project using
Spread for ASP.NET
  fpclientREDIST.msm Merge module for redistributing a project
using Spread for ASP.NET
    \v12.x\Skins - Directory for user-created sheet skins
\GrapeCity\Spread.NET 12\v12\fp_client\fpspread Version-specific folders
Files required for control display and appearance,
for example, for the command bar
The installation creates a virtual path for this folder
in the default Web Site in the local IIS server.

The following files are placed in the global assembly cache (GAC):

Special thanks to the SharpDevelop Team for allowing us to use the SharpZipLib file compression library. You may download the modified SharpZipLib source code used in the Spread Excel assembly for xlsx file compression from GrapeCity.


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