
Following are the breaking changes for LegacyBehaviors.


By default, in Spread WinForms 12, the date time functions and formulas used in worksheets return the serial numeric values as results.  

However, if a user uses the LegacyBehaviors.CalculationEngine, the date time functions and formulas will return DateTime values instead of the serial numeric values.       


By default, LegacyBehaviors.PropertyDefaults is turned off in V12. When this flag is turned off then there are some changes as compared with the older versions as described below-

  1. Changes in default values for the following APIs

    FpSpread.AllowUserFormulas = true
    FpSpread.AllowDragDrop = true
    FpSpread.AllowDragFill = true
    FpSpread.AllowSheetMove = true
    FpSpread.AllowEditOverflow = true
    FpSpread.BorderCollapse = BorderCollapse.Collapse
    FpSpread.ResizeZeroIndicator = true
    FpSpread.TabStripPolicy = TabStripPolicy.Always   
    SheetView.SelectionPolicy =SelectionPolicy.MultiRange
    SheetView.AutoFilterMode = AutoFilterMode.EnhancedContextMenu
    SheetView.Protect = false and Cell.Locked = true (same with V11J but different from V10 and lower versions)

  2. Changes during keyboard navigation

    Pressing the "F2" key will start editing with current cell value.
    Pressing "Backspace" key will start editing with empty editor.
    Pressing the "F4" key takes no effect.
    When a user presses an input key to start editing, the current cell value will be replaced by the pressed key.

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