
Following are the breaking changes for ExcelSaveFlags enumeration.

ComboDataOnly ComboDataOnly is a deprecated flag of ExcelSaveFlags enumeration. Use ComboAsDataValidation instead.
AutoRowHeight In Spread for WinForms 10 and Excel, when a user exports a file, the preferred row height is calculated and the resultant height is exported.

In Spread for WinForms 11, when a user exports a file, the current row height is exported and the row is marked as auto height. However, when the file is opened in Excel, it will recalculate the row height automatically if the row is marked as auto height.

Both Spread for WinForms 10 and Spread for WinForms 11 produces the same result when opened in Excel. However, when the file is opened in Spread, the row height will be calculated in Spread for Winforms 10; while the current row height is retained in Spread for Winforms 11.

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