Viewing Help Content
ReadMe > Viewing Help Content

There are several ways to view the help content provided with the product. Each of these forms contains the same content.

Stand-Alone Help

The product documentation is available in an HxS file for Spread ASP.NET, Spread Windows Forms, Spread Silverlight, and Spread WPF. To view the files in stand-alone mode, from the Start menu in Windows, select the following:

  Start -> Programs -> GrapeCity -> Spread.NET 11 -> Product,

and then select the product help (for the entire product documentation) or Formula Reference (for just the Formula Reference which is common to all Spread .NET products).

Printable Documentation

The Spread product documentation is also available in PDF files for easy viewing and printing for Spread Windows Forms and Spread ASP.NET. From the Start menu in Windows, select

 Start -> Programs -> GrapeCity -> Spread.NET 11 -> Product -> Printable Documentation.

An HTML page is displayed in your browser with a selection of links to PDF files and a link to download the latest Acrobat Reader.

CHM File

The Spread WinRT, Spread Silverlight, Spread WPF, Spread Windows Forms, or Spread ASP.NET documentation is available in a CHM file. To view the files in stand-alone mode, from the Start menu in Windows, select

 Start -> Programs -> GrapeCity -> Spread.NET 11 -> Product,

and then select the product Help. Select the help under the GrapeCity name on the Start screen with Microsoft Windows 8, 8.1, or 10.

Stand-Alone CHM File

The product documentation is also available in a compiled help file (CHM file) under the <Install Directory>\Docs\Product folder.

Integrated Help

The help is also integrated with Visual Studio .NET and appears when you press F1 or otherwise summon the help from within the development environment.

Online Web Help

The Spread documentation is available online in HTML at https://www.grapecity.com/en/docs/platforms/spread-net-11.


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