GrapeCity MultiRow Windows Forms Documentation
Shortcut Keys

You can use shortcut keys to work with the GcMultiRow control using the keyboard.

Default Shortcut Keys

The default shortcut keys for the grid vary depending upon the view mode. The following table shows the actions versus the allocation of keys in various modes. Please refer to View Modes for details on the grid view modes.

Group or Actions Description Default Mode Row Mode Display Mode Listbox Mode
MoveDown Move to the cell below. Keys.Down - - -
MoveUp Move to the cell above. Keys.Up - - -
MoveLeft Move to the cell on the left. Keys.Left - - -
MoveRight Move to the cell on the right. Keys.Right - - -
MoveToFirstCell Move to the first cell of the first row. Keys.Control + Keys.Home - - -
MoveToLastCell Move to the last cell of the last row. Keys.Control + Keys.End - - -
MoveToPreviousCell Move to the previous cell (regardless of the row). Keys.Shift + Keys.Tab OR Keys.Control + Keys.Shift + Keys.Tab Keys.Shift + Keys.Tab OR Keys.Control + Keys.Shift + Keys.Tab - -
MoveToNextCell Move to the next cell(regardless of the row). Keys.Tab OR Keys.Control + Keys.Tab Keys.Tab OR Keys.Control + Keys.Tab - -
MoveToFirstCellInRow Move to the first cell of the current row. Keys.Home OR Keys.Control + Keys.Left Keys.Home OR Keys.Control + Keys.Left - -
MoveToFirstCellByTabOrder Move to the first cell in the tab order. - - - -
MoveToFirstCellInRowByTabOrder Move to the first cell in the tab order of the current row. - - - -
MoveToLastCellInRow Move to the last cell of the current row. Keys.End OR Keys.Control + Keys.Right Keys.End OR Keys.Control + Keys.Right - -
MoveToLastCellByTabOrder Move to the last cell in the tab order. - - - -
MoveToLastCellInRowByTabOrder Move to the last cell in the tab order of the current row. - - - -
MoveToPreviousCellInRow Move to previous cell in the current row. - - - -
MoveToNextCellInRow Move to the next cell in the current row. - - - -
MoveToFirstRow Move to the first row. Keys.Control + Keys.Up Keys.Control + Keys.Up
- Keys.Home
MoveToLastRow Move to the last row. Keys.Control + Keys.Down Keys.Control + Keys.Down OR Keys.End - Keys.End
MoveToPreviousRow Move to the previous row. - Keys.Up OR Keys.Left - Keys.Up
MoveToNextRow Move to the next row. - Keys.Down OR Keys.Right - Keys.Down
MoveToNextPage Move to the next page. Keys.PageDown Keys.PageDown - Keys.PageDown
MoveToPreviousPage Move to the previous page. Keys.PageUp Keys.PageUp - Keys.PageUp
ReverseSelectCurrentRow Reverse the selection of the present row. - - - Keys.Space
SelectAll Select all the rows. Keys.Control + Keys.A Keys.Control + Keys.A - Keys.Control + Keys.A
SelectRow Select the current row. Keys.Shift + Keys.Space - - -
ShiftDown Expand or shorten the selected range into the closest cells below. Keys.Shift + Keys.Down - - -
ShiftUp Expand or shorten the selected range into the closest cells above. Keys.Shift + Keys.Up - - -
ShiftLeft Expand or shorten the selected range into the closest cells on the left. Keys.Shift + Keys.Left - - -
ShiftRight Expand or shorten the selected range into the closest cells on the right. Keys.Shift + Keys.Right - - -
ShiftToFirstCell Change the currently selected range from the present cells to the first cell of the first active row. Keys.Shift + Keys.Control + Keys.Home - - -
ShiftToLastCell Change the currently selected range from the present cells to the last cell of the last active row. Keys.Shift + Keys.Control + Keys.End - - -
ShiftToFirstCellInRow Change the currently selected range from the present cells to the first cell of the present row. Keys.Shift + Keys.Home OR Keys.Shift + Keys.Control + Keys.Left - - -
ShiftToLastCellInRow Change the currently selected range from the present cells to the last cell of the present row. Keys.Shift + Keys.End OR Keys.Shift + Keys.Control + Keys.Right - - -
ShiftToFirstRow Change the currently selected range from the present cells to the cell of the first row having the same CellIndex. Keys.Shift + Keys.Control + Keys.Up Keys.Shift + Keys.Home OR Keys.Shift + Keys.Control + Keys.Up - -
ShiftToLastRow Change the currently selected range from the present cells to the cell of the last row having the same CellIndex. Keys.Shift + Keys.Control + Keys.Down Keys.Shift + Keys.End OR Keys.Shift + Keys.Control + Keys.Down - -
ShiftToPreviousRow Change the currently selected range from the present cells to the cell of the previous row having the same CellIndex. - Keys.Shift + Keys.Up OR Keys.Shift + Keys.Left - -
ShiftToNextRow Change the currently selected range from the present cells to the cell of the next row having the same CellIndex. - Keys.Shift + Keys.Down OR Keys.Shift + Keys.Right - -
ShiftPageDown Expand or shorten the selected range to the next page. Keys.Shift + Keys.PageDown Keys.Shift + Keys.PageDown - -
ShiftPageUp Expand or shorten the selected range to the previous page. Keys.Shift + Keys.PageUp Keys.Shift + Keys.PageUp - -
SelectNextControl Shift the focus to the next control. - - - -
SelectPreviousControl Shift the focus to the previous control. - - - -
BeginEdit Start editing of the cells. Keys.F2 OR Keys.Enter Keys.F2 OR Keys.Enter - -
EndEdit Confirm the editing. Keys.Enter Keys.Enter - -
CancelCellEdit Cancel input and exit edit mode when the current cell is in edit mode. - - - -
CancelEdit Cancel the cell editing. Keys.Escape Keys.Escape - -
Cancel Row level editing if current cell is not in edit mode, or if the Dirty state of the cell is set to false. - - - -
Cut Cut the selected cell values to the clipboard. Keys.Control + Keys.X OR Keys.Shift + Keys.Delete Keys.Control + Keys.X OR Keys.Shift + Keys.Delete - -
Copy Copy the selected cell values to the clipboard. Keys.Control + Keys.C OR Keys.Control + Keys.Insert Keys.Control + Keys.C OR Keys.Control + Keys.Insert - Keys.Control + Keys.C OR Keys.Control + Keys.Insert
Paste Copy the selected cell values from the clipboard. Keys.Control + Keys.V OR Keys.Shift + Keys.Insert Keys.Control + Keys.V OR Keys.Shift + Keys.Insert - -
Clear Delete the values of the selected cells. Keys.Delete Keys.Delete - -
DeleteSelectedRows Delete the selected rows. Keys.Control + Keys.Delete Keys.Control + Keys.Delete - Keys.Control + Keys.Delete
CommitRow Commit the row changes. Keys.Control + Keys.Enter Keys.Control + Keys.Enter - -
InputNullValue Input null value. Keys.Control + Keys.D0 OR Keys.Control + Keys.NumPad0 Keys.Control + Keys.D0 OR Keys.Control + Keys.NumPad0 - -
ShowDropDown Display the drop-down window. Keys.F4 OR Keys.Alt + Keys.Down Keys.F4 OR Keys.Alt + Keys.Down - -
VerticalScrollToFirstPage Move to the first page in the vertical direction. - - Keys.Control + Keys.Up -
VerticalScrollToLastPage Move to the last page in the vertical direction. - - Keys.Control + Keys.Down -
VerticalScrollToPreviousPage Move to the previous page in the vertical direction. - - Keys.PageUp OR Keys.Shift + Keys.Space -
VerticalScrollToNextpage Move to the next page in the vertical direction. - - Keys.PageDown OR Keys.Space -
HorizontalScrollToFirstPage Move to the first page in the horizontal direction. - - Keys.Home OR Keys.Control + Keys.Left -
HorizontalScrollToLastPage Move to the last page in the horizontal direction. - - Keys.End OR Keys.Control + Keys.Right -
HorizontalScrollToPreviousPage Move to the previous page in the horizontal direction. - - - Keys.Left
HorizontalScrollToNextPage Move to the next page in the horizontal direction. - - - Keys.Right
ScrollUp Move one step up in the vertical direction. - - Keys.Up -
ScrollDown Move one step down in the vertical direction. - - Keys.Down -
ScrollLeft Move one step left in the horizontal direction. - - Keys.Left -
ScrollRight Move one step right in the horizontal direction. - - Keys.Right -

The list of default shortcut keys can be retrieved using the following properties of the ShortcutKeyManager.

Using Code

The following code gets the shortcut keys in default mode using the ShortcutKeyManager.DefaultModeList property.


Imports GrapeCity.Win.MultiRow

' Place the ListView control onto the form
ListView1.View = View.Details


For Each shortcutKey As ShortcutKey In GcMultiRow1.ShortcutKeyManager.DefaultModeList
    Dim item As ListViewItem = New ListViewItem()
    item.Text = shortcutKey.Action.DisplayName



using GrapeCity.Win.MultiRow;

// Place the ListView control onto the form
listView1.View = View.Details;


foreach (ShortcutKey shortcutKey in gcMultiRow1.ShortcutKeyManager.DefaultModeList)
    ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem();
    item.Text = shortcutKey.Action.DisplayName;


The shortcut keys in row mode can be retrieved using the ShortcutKeyManager.RowModeList property and those in display mode can be retrieved using the ShortcutKeyManager.DisplayModeList property.

Registering Shortcut Keys

Use the ShortcutKeyManager.Register method to register the shortcut keys.

Using Code

The following code starts the editing of the current cell when the user presses the F3 key.


GcMultiRow1.ShortcutKeyManager.Register(GrapeCity.Win.MultiRow.EditingActions.BeginEdit, Keys.F3)


gcMultiRow1.ShortcutKeyManager.Register(GrapeCity.Win.MultiRow.EditingActions.BeginEdit, Keys.F3);

Un-register the Shortcut Keys

Use the ShortcutKeyManager.Unregister method to unregister the already registered keys. The shortcut keys can be deleted by deleting the action or by deleting a key.

Using Code

The following code deletes the shortcut key (Ctrl+A) which by default is assigned to the SelectAll action.





The following code deletes all the actions assigned to the Tab key.





Creating Actions

You can create actions and assign them to the shortcut keys. To create actions for shortcut keys, create a class that implements the IAction interface.

Using Code

The following code shows the current cell's information when the user presses the F3 key.


Imports GrapeCity.Win.MultiRow

Public Class MyAction
    Implements IAction

    Public Function CanExecute(ByVal target As GcMultiRow) As Boolean Implements IAction.CanExecute
        Return True
    End Function

    Public ReadOnly Property DisplayName() As String Implements IAction.DisplayName
            Return Me.ToString()
        End Get
    End Property

    Public Sub Execute(ByVal target As GcMultiRow) Implements IAction.Execute
    End Sub
End Class

GcMultiRow1.ShortcutKeyManager.Register(New MyAction(), Keys.F3)


using GrapeCity.Win.MultiRow;

public class MyAction : IAction
    public bool CanExecute(GcMultiRow target)
        return true;

    public string DisplayName
        get { return this.ToString(); }

    public void Execute(GcMultiRow target)

gcMultiRow1.ShortcutKeyManager.Register(new MyAction(), Keys.F3);

Executing Actions

You can also directly execute the actions of the shortcut keys. The execution of the action is treated as a user operation.

Using Code

The following code selects all the cells of the GcMultiRow control.





Shortcut Key Settings Dialog

You can change the settings for the shortcut keys for each mode in the dialog shown below, by pressing the ellipsis in the GcMultiRow.ShortcutKeyManager property in the Properties window.

Shortcut Key Settings Dialog

You can set user-defined custom actions using the Shortcut Keys setting dialog. Use the following steps to set user-defined custom actions.

  1. Create a class that implements the IAction interface and add it to the project.
  2. Build the project.
  3. Select the GcMultiRow.ShortcutKeyManager property from the Properties window, and click the ... button.
  4. Select the key to which you wish to add the user-defined custom action, from the Shortcut Keys Setting dialog being displayed.
  5. Select Custom Actions from the Types: Action combobox.
  6. Select the Action from the Action list, and click the Add button.
  7. Click the OK button and close the Shortcut Keys Setting dialog.

Setting a Default Shortcut Key to the User-defined GcMultiRow Control

You can assign your own default shortcut keys for the user-defined default GcMultiRow control using the InitialShortcutKeyManager property.


  • If a shortcut is set using the InitialShortcutKeyManager property, then even if you set the shortcut key using the GcMultiRow.ShortcutKeyManager property later, that setting will not be valid.
  • If the GcMultiRow.ShortcutKeyManager property is set prior to the setting of the InitialShortcutKeyManager property, the InitialShortcutKeyManager property setting will not be valid.

Using Code

The following code changes the default shortcut key for the right key of the user-defined GcMultiRow control.


Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports GrapeCity.Win.MultiRow

Public Class MyGcMultiRow
    Inherits GcMultiRow

    Public Sub New()
    End Sub

    Private Sub InitializeCustomGrid()
        Me.InitialShortcutKeyManager.Unregister(GrapeCity.Win.MultiRow.ViewMode.Row, Keys.Right)
        Me.InitialShortcutKeyManager.DefaultModeList.Add(New GrapeCity.Win.MultiRow.ShortcutKey _
            (GrapeCity.Win.MultiRow.SelectionActions.MoveToNextCellInRow, System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Right))
    End Sub
End Class


using System.Windows.Forms;
using GrapeCity.Win.MultiRow;

public class MyGcMultiRow : GcMultiRow
    public MyGcMultiRow()
        this.InitialShortcutKeyManager.Unregister(GrapeCity.Win.MultiRow.ViewMode.Default, Keys.Right);
        this.InitialShortcutKeyManager.DefaultModeList.Add(new GrapeCity.Win.MultiRow.ShortcutKey(((GrapeCity.Win.MultiRow.Action)
            (GrapeCity.Win.MultiRow.SelectionActions.MoveToNextCellInRow)), System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Right));

See Also



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