GrapeCity MultiRow Windows Forms Documentation

The list of cell types available in the template is displayed in the designer toolbox. The cells can be placed by dragging and dropping the cell types from the toolbox onto the Document window. You can also register the user-defined cell types in the toolbox. This operation is similar to using the form designer.

Common Cells 7.0

Common cells is a list of cell types that can be used in the default state. For more details on each cell type, refer to Cell Types.

Design Time Components 7.0

Design time components provide design functions to support the alignment of cells.

Windows Forms Components

Windows Forms components provide invisible objects like images, data sources, dialog boxes, and so on that are used with cells. The functions of individual objects are the same as in Windows forms.

User-defined Cells

Newly created cells and cells inherited from default cell types can be added to the toolbox. For more details on how to create user-defined cells, refer to User-Defined Cell.

See Also



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