GrapeCity MultiRow Windows Forms Documentation
Integration with IDE

The MultiRow designer is integrated into Visual Studio. This allows the product to share menu commands and operations with Visual Studio which makes it easier to use and learn. This topic explains issues related to integrating the MultiRow designer with Visual Studio.

Visual Studio Editions

Because Visual Studio 2008 Express Editions, Visual Studio 2010 Express Edition, Visual Studio 2012 Express, and Visual Studio 2013 Express do not support IDE extendibility, the MultiRow designer cannot be integrated with the Visual Studio IDE in these versions. You can create templates using the GcMultiRow control and code with these editions.

Upgrading Visual Studio

MultiRow needs to be uninstalled and reinstalled when the version or edition of Visual Studio is upgraded. Examples of upgrades:

Upgrading Windows

When upgrading or reinstalling Windows, uninstall MultiRow before upgrading. Once you are done with the upgrade, reinstall MultiRow with the MultiRow installer supported by the newly installed Windows. If required, deactivate the license before uninstalling MultiRow. Examples of upgrades:

Unless specified, the installation of a Windows Service Pack is not considered to be an upgrade.

Order while installing with Visual Studio

The MultiRow designer will not be installed properly if the product is installed before installing Visual Studio. Uninstall MultiRow and reinstall it after installing Visual Studio. Also, exit all Visual Studio applications before running the MultiRow installer.

General Troubleshooting

If you are no longer able to use the MultiRow designer in Visual Studio, uninstalling and then reinstalling MultiRow may solve the issue.

See Also



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