GrapeCity MultiRow Windows Forms Documentation

The row header cell can display an indicator and show row selection.

The row header cell can only be placed in a row.


In addition to the features of the HeaderCell, the following features can also be used in a row header cell.

For more details on each feature, refer to the RowHeaderCell class.

Data Types

Refer to HeaderCell.

Cell Edit Control

Refer to HeaderCell.


Refer to HeaderCell.

Shortcut Keys

Refer to HeaderCell.


Refer to HeaderCell.

Using Code

The code below shows a row header cell and a text box cell in a row.


Imports GrapeCity.Win.MultiRow

Dim template As New Template()
Dim rowHeaderCell1 As New RowHeaderCell()
Dim textBoxCell1 As New TextBoxCell()

rowHeaderCell1.Location = New Point(0, 0)
rowHeaderCell1.SelectionMode = MultiRowSelectionMode.Row
rowHeaderCell1.HoverDirection = HoverDirection.Right
rowHeaderCell1.ResizeMode = ResizeMode.None
rowHeaderCell1.ValueFormat = "%1%"

textBoxCell1.Location = New Point(rowHeaderCell1.Width, 0)

template.Row.Height = textBoxCell1.Height
template.Width = textBoxCell1.Width * 2

GcMultiRow1.Template = template
GcMultiRow1.RowCount = 10


using GrapeCity.Win.MultiRow;

Template template = new Template();
RowHeaderCell rowHeaderCell1 = new RowHeaderCell();
TextBoxCell textBoxCell1 = new TextBoxCell();

rowHeaderCell1.Location = new Point(0, 0);
rowHeaderCell1.SelectionMode = MultiRowSelectionMode.Row;
rowHeaderCell1.HoverDirection = HoverDirection.Right;
rowHeaderCell1.ResizeMode = ResizeMode.None;
rowHeaderCell1.ValueFormat = "%1%";

textBoxCell1.Location = new Point(rowHeaderCell1.Width, 0);

template.Row.Height = textBoxCell1.Height;
template.Width = textBoxCell1.Width * 2;

gcMultiRow1.Template = template;
gcMultiRow1.RowCount = 10;
See Also



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