MultiRow Windows Forms > Developer's Guide > Using MultiRow > Cell Types > Pop-upCell |
The pop-up cell offers a series of textboxes and buttons. The cell also provides a window of your choice as the sub-editor of the cell when the user clicks on the button. For example, various input screens or tables (which cannot be provided as cell types), can be implemented as separate windows (forms). They can then be called from the pop-up cell and the result can be stored. The pop-up cell supports all windows (forms) and common dialogs.
In addition to the Base Cell features, the following features can also be used in the pop-up cell.
For more details on each feature, refer to the PopupCell class.
The pop-up cell uses the Object type value and this type can be confirmed with the PopupCell.ValueType property.
The pop-up cell value can be edited with the PopupEditingControl control. This control uses a TextBox and a button and implements the IEditingControl interface. The cell edit control type can be checked with the PopupCell.EditType property.
The pop-up cell supports the following CellStyle class members. You can set the cell style with the PopupCell.Style property.
CellStyle Members | Non-Editable State | Editable State |
BackColor | Enabled | Enabled |
BackgroundGradientEffect | Enabled | - |
Border | Enabled | Enabled |
DataSourceNullValue | Enabled | Enabled |
DisabledBackColor | Enabled | - |
DisabledForeColor | Enabled | - |
DisabledGradientEffect | Enabled | - |
EditingBackColor | Enabled | - |
EditingForeColor | Enabled | - |
Font | Enabled | Enabled |
ForeColor | Enabled | Enabled |
Format | Enabled | Enabled |
FormatProvider | Enabled | Enabled |
Image | Enabled | - |
ImageAlign | Enabled | - |
ImeMode | Enabled | Enabled |
ImeSentenceMode | Enabled | Enabled |
InputScope | Enabled | Enabled |
LineAdjustment | Enabled only for GDI+ Compatible Mode | - |
Margin | Enabled | Enabled |
MouseOverBackColor | Enabled | - |
MouseOverForeColor | Enabled | - |
MouseOverGradientEffect | Enabled | - |
Multiline | Enabled | Enabled |
NullValue | Enabled | Enabled |
Padding | Enabled | Enabled |
PatternColor | Enabled | - |
PatternStyle | Enabled | - |
SelectionBackColor | Enabled | - |
SelectionForeColor | Enabled | - |
SelectionGradientEffect | Enabled | - |
Tag | Enabled | Enabled |
TextAdjustment | Enabled only for GDI+ Compatible Mode | - |
TextAlign | Enabled | Only Horizontal |
TextAngle | Enabled only for GDI+ Compatible Mode | - |
TextEffect | Enabled | - |
TextImageRelation | Enabled | - |
TextIndent | Enabled | - |
TextVertical | Enabled only for GDI+ Compatible Mode | - |
UseCompatibleTextRendering | Enabled | - |
WordWrap | Enabled | Enabled |
To set GDI+ Compatibility Mode as Enabled, set the PopupCell.Style.UseCompatibleTextRendering property to True.
The following table lists the keys that are processed when the pop up cell is in edit mode and also lists keys that are processed by the GcMultiRow control.
Modifier | Key | PopupCell | GcMultiRow |
None | Keys.End | Enabled | - |
Keys.Home | Enabled | - | |
Keys.Left | Enabled | - | |
Keys.Right | Enabled | - | |
Keys.Up | - | Enabled | |
Keys.Down | - | Enabled | |
Keys.Insert | - | - | |
Keys.Delete | Enabled | - | |
Keys.BackSpace | Enabled | - | |
Keys.Control | Keys.PageUp | - | - |
Keys.PageDown | - | - | |
Keys.End | - | Enabled | |
Keys.Home | - | Enabled | |
Keys.Left | Enabled | - | |
Keys.Right | Enabled | - | |
Keys.Up | - | Enabled | |
Keys.Down | - | Enabled | |
Keys.A | Enabled | - | |
Keys.C | Enabled | - | |
Keys.V | Enabled | - | |
Keys.X | Enabled | - | |
Keys.Shift | Keys.Left | Enabled | - |
Keys.Right | Enabled | - | |
Keys.Up | Enabled | - | |
Keys.Down | Enabled | - | |
Keys.Home | Enabled | - | |
Keys.End | Enabled | - |
Keys.Control + Keys.C is processed by the GcMultiRow control when multiple cells are selected. |
You can use the GcMultiRow.CellContentClick event to implement the processing for a click in the cell content area. You can use the GcMultiRow.CellContentDoubleClick event for a double-click. Use the GcMultiRow.CellEditedFormattedValueChanged event to catch a change in the cell value. The PopupEditingControl class event is used to process the pop up cell editing event.
This cell type does not have a corresponding standard control.