GrapeCity MultiRow Windows Forms Documentation

The masked text box cell offers features equivalent to the .NET Framework's MaskedTextBox control (System.Windows.Forms.MaskedTextBox). You can use the masked text box cell to provide the user with formatted input.


In addition to the Base Cell features, the following features can also be used in the masked text box cell.

For more details on each feature, refer to the MaskedTextBoxCell class.

Data Types

The masked text box cell uses the Object type value and this type can be checked with the MaskedTextBoxCell.ValueType property. The value used for input and display is the one cast into the String type based on the MaskedTextBoxCell.Mask property format. This type can be checked with the MaskedTextBoxCell.FormattedValueType property. To modify the behavior when values are read in a cell, you can override the MaskedTextBoxCell.OnCellFormatting method. Override the MaskedTextBoxCell.OnCellParsing method to modify behavior when the value is written back from the cell.

Cell Edit Control

The masked text box cell value can be edited in the MaskedTextBoxEditingControl control. This control inherits the IEditingControl interface and System.Windows.Forms.MaskedTextBox class. The cell edit control type can be checked with the MaskedTextBoxCell.EditType property.


The masked text box cell supports the following CellStyle class members. You can set the cell style using the MaskedTextBoxCell.Style property.

CellStyle Members Non-Editable State Editable State
BackColor Enabled Enabled
Border Enabled Enabled
DataSourceNullValue Enabled Enabled
DisabledBackColor Enabled -
DisabledForeColor Enabled -
Font Enabled Enabled
ForeColor Enabled Enabled
Format Enabled Enabled
FormatProvider Enabled Enabled
GradientColors Enabled -
GradientDirection Enabled -
GradientStyle Enabled -
Image Enabled -
ImageAlign Enabled -
ImeMode Enabled Enabled
ImeSentenceMode Enabled Enabled
InputScope Enabled Enabled
LineAdjustment Enabled only for GDI+ Compatible Mode -
Margin Enabled Enabled
Multiline Enabled -
NullValue Enabled Enabled
Padding Enabled Enabled
PatternColor Enabled -
PatternStyle Enabled -
SelectionBackColor Enabled -
SelectionForeColor Enabled -
Tag Enabled Enabled
TextAdjustment Enabled only for GDI+ Compatible Mode -
TextAlign Enabled Enabled only for horizontal
TextAngle Enabled only for GDI+ Compatible Mode -
TextEffect Enabled -
TextImageRelation Enabled -
TextIndent Enabled -
TextVertical Enabled only for GDI+ Compatible Mode -
UseCompatibleTextRendering Enabled -
WordWrap Enabled -

To set GDI+ Compatible Mode as Enabled, set the MaskedTextBoxCell.Style.UseCompatibleTextRendering property to True.

Shortcut Keys

The table below lists the keys processed when the masked text box cell is in an edit state and lists keys that are processed by the GcMultiRow control.

Modifier Key MaskedTextBoxCell GcMultiRow
None Keys.PageUp - Enabled
Keys.PageDown - Enabled
Keys.End Enabled -
Keys.Home Enabled -
Keys.Left Enabled -
Keys.Right Enabled -
Keys.Up Enabled -
Keys.Down Enabled -
Keys.Insert - -
Keys.Delete Enabled -
Keys.BackSpace Enabled -
Keys.Control Keys.PageUp - -
Keys.PageDown - -
Keys.End - Enabled
Keys.Home - Enabled
Keys.Left Enabled -
Keys.Right Enabled -
Keys.Up - Enabled
Keys.Down - Enabled
Keys.A Enabled -
Keys.C Enabled -
Keys.V Enabled -
Keys.X Enabled -
Keys.Shift Keys.Left Enabled -
Keys.Right Enabled -
Keys.Up Enabled -
Keys.Down Enabled -
Keys.Home Enabled -
Keys.End Enabled -

When multiple cells are selected, Keys.Control + Keys.C is processed by the GcMultiRow control.


You can use the GcMultiRow.CellContentClick event to get a click in the cell content area. Use the GcMultiRow.CellContentDoubleClick event for a double-click. Use the GcMultiRow.CellEditedFormattedValueChanged event to handle changes to the cell. MaskedTextBoxEditingControl class events can be used handle processing when the masked text box cell is being edited.

Comparison with Standard Control

The table below shows a comparison between major properties of the masked text box cell and the System.Windows.Forms.MaskedTextBox control.

MaskedTextBoxCell MaskedTextBox
AllowPromptAsInput AllowPromptAsInput
AsciiOnly AsciiOnly
BeepOnError BeepOnError
Culture Culture
CutCopyMaskFormat CutCopyMaskFormat
Style.FormatProvider FormatProvider
DisplayTextMaskFormat None
None HidePromptOnLeave
InsertKeyMode InsertKeyMode
None IsOverwriteMode
Mask Mask
MaskCompleted MaskCompleted
MaskedTextProvider MaskedTextProvider
MaskFull MaskFull
PasswordChar PasswordChar
PromptChar PromptChar
RejectInputOnFirstFailure RejectInputOnFirstFailure
ResetOnPrompt ResetOnPrompt
ResetOnSpace ResetOnSpace
None SelectedText
SkipLiterals SkipLiterals
DisplayText Text
Style.TextAlign TextAlign
None TextLength
TextMaskFormat TextMaskFormat
UseSystemPasswordChar UseSystemPasswordChar
None ValidatingType
See Also



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