GrapeCity MultiRow Windows Forms Documentation

The list label cell provides the functionality to display labels as a list of items in a bulleted format. You can use the list label cell to implement a bulleted display by simply adding items.

List Label Cell


In addition to the Base Cell features, the list label cell displays a bulleted list.

For more details on list label cells, refer to the ListLabelCell class.

Data Types

The list label cell retains the Object value type. This type can be checked using the ListLabelCell.ValueType property.

For display, a value that has been type cast to a String type is used. This type can be checked with the ListLabelCell.FormattedValueType property.

You can modify type cast behavior by overriding the Object type of the ToString method. Override the ListLabelCell.OnCellFormatting method to change behavior when a value is read in a cell. Override the ListLabelCell.OnCellParsing method to change behavior when a value is written back from the cell.

Cell Edit Control

The list label cell does not provide a cell edit control. The ListLabelCell.EditType property always returns a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).


The list label cell supports the following CellStyle class members. You can set the cell style using the ListLabelCell.Style property.

CellStyle Members Enabled or Disabled
BackColor Enabled
BackgroundGradientEffect Enabled
Border Enabled
DataSourceNullValue -
DisabledBackColor Enabled
DisabledForeColor Enabled
DisabledGradientEffect Enabled
EditingBackColor -
EditingForeColor -
Font Enabled
ForeColor Enabled
Format -
FormatProvider -
Image -
ImageAlign -
ImeMode -
ImeSentenceMode -
InputScope -
LineAdjustment -
Margin Enabled
MouseOverBackColor Enabled
MouseOverForeColor Enabled
MouseOverGradientEffect Enabled
Multiline Enabled
NullValue -
Padding Enabled
PatternColor Enabled
PatternStyle Enabled
SelectionBackColor Enabled
SelectionForeColor Enabled
SelectionGradientEffect Enabled
Tag Enabled
TextAdjustment -
TextAlign -
TextAngle -
TextEffect Enabled
TextImageRelation -
TextIndent -
TextVertical -
UseCompatibleTextRendering Enabled
WordWrap Enabled

To enable GDI+ Compatibility Mode, set the UseCompatibleTextRendering property to True.

Shortcut Keys

No shortcut keys are handled in a list label cell.


You can use the GcMultiRow.CellContentClick event to catch a click in the cell content area. You can use the GcMultiRow.CellContentDoubleClick event for a double-click.

For more information, see the Setting Bullets (ListLabelCell).

See Also



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