ComponentOne WebChart 8.0 for ActiveX
Client-Side ActiveX Controls

As an ASP designer, you can allow clients to modify the chart they view on the web page. The client-side ActiveX controls for ActiveX-aware browsers comprise the current ComponentOne Chart control. This support provides the advantage of user interactivity, at the cost of requiring the ComponentOne Chart control to be installed (or downloaded) on the client side.

The OLCH2X8.CAB and OLCH3X8.CAB files are compressed versions of ComponentOne Chart (OLCH2XU8.CAB and OLCH3XU8.CAB for Unicode versions). If the client does not have ComponentOne Chart already installed, the CAB file generates a runtime-only copy of ComponentOne Chart on the client's machine. This cabinet file (.CAB) stores all the files to be downloaded; creating a .CAB file helps to minimize the download time and to keep all the downloaded files together.

The LPK files are license pack files (.LPK) that provide the client's browser with a runtime license for the downloaded control on the client’s computer. There must be a registered version of ComponentOne Chart on the developer's computer in order to successfully generate an .LPK file. The reference to the resulting .LPK file that you create must be placed on your HTML page before references to any ActiveX controls.

The generation of the HTML tags to support this functionality is contained in routines in the 2DGENTAG.INC and 3DGENTAG.INC files, in the OlectraChart2D_GenerateTag_Control and OlectraChart3D_GenerateTag_Control routines. This procedure allows ASP developers to customize the way that the tags are generated to suit their particular needs. In general, the routine will generate an .OC2/.OC3 file stored in the same location as the temporary image files.



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