ComponentOne VSView Reporting Edition
Picture Property (Field)

Returns or sets a picture to display on the field (file names are accepted).


field.Picture[ = value As Variant ]


Use the Picture property to create picture fields in your report. There are two types of picture fields:

Unbound Pictures:

These are static pictures such as a company logo. To create an unbound picture field, assign a Picture object or picture file name to the field's Picture property. For example:

theField.Picture = PictureBoxLogo.Picture

theField.Picture = "c:\mycorp\pictures\logo.gif"

Bound Pictures:

These are pictures loaded from the database. To create a bound picture field, assign the name of the recordset field that contains the picture to the field's Picture property. For example:

vsr.DataSource.ConnectionString = "dsn=NorthWind"

vsr.DataSource.RecordSource = "Employees"

theField.Picture = "Photo"

Use the PictureAlign property to determine how the picture is scaled and aligned to fit the field's render box.

Data Type




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