ComponentOne VSView Reporting Edition
Implementing Custom Recordsets in Visual Basic

To implement a custom recordset in Visual Basic, follow these steps (for a complete example, see the CustomData project in the Samples/VB directory):

  1. Create a new project (or open an existing one) and add a VSReport8 and a VSPrinter8 control to the main form.

  2. Create a Class Module using the Project menu and selecting Add Class Module. Use the property window to give the class a meaningful name (such as MyReportDataSource).

  3. Open the code window and add the following code to the new class:

    Example Title
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    Option Explicit
    Implements IVSReportRecordset
    Private m_sData(5) As String
    Private m_lCursor As Long
    Private Sub Class_Initialize()
      m_lCursor = 0
    End Sub
    Private Sub InitData()
      m_sData(0) = "Alice Mutton|Meat/Poultry|20 - 1 kg tins|0"
      m_sData(1) = "Aniseed Syrup|Condiments|12 - 550 ml bottles|13"
      m_sData(2) = "Boston Crab Meat|Seafood|24 - 4 oz tins|123"
      m_sData(3) = "Camembert Pierrot|Dairy Products|15 - 300 g rounds|19"
      m_sData(4) = "Carnarvon Tigers|Seafood|16 kg pkg.|42"
      m_sData(5) = "Chai|Beverages|10 boxes x 20 bags|39"
    End Sub

    The Implements statement is important. It means this class promises to implement all the methods in the IVSReportRecordset, described above. Without this statement, the class would not qualify as a valid recordset for VSReport8, and trying to assign an instance of it to the Recordset property would raise an error.

    The m_sData() and m_lCursor are the variables that will hold the actual data and the cursor position for our new class. They are both initialized in response to the Class_Initialize event. In this example, there are only five records, each consisting of a string with field values separated by pipes ("|").

  4. Select the IVSReportRecordset_GetFieldCount routine on the code editor (note that VB created a stub automatically based on the Implements statement) and add the following implementation:

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    Private Function IVSReportRecordset_GetFieldCount() As Long
      IVSReportRecordset_GetFieldCount = 4
    End Function

    This function returns the number of fields in the recordset. In this case, each record contains four fields: product name, category name, quantity per unit, and units in stock.

  5. Follow the same steps to implement the remaining field information routines:

    Example Title
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    Private Function IVSReportRecordset_GetFieldName_
             (ByVal Index As Long) As String
      Dim s$
      Select Case Index
        Case 0: s = "ProductName"
        Case 1: s = "CategoryName"
        Case 2: s = "QuantityPerUnit"
        Case 3: s = "UnitsInStock"
        Case Else
          Err.Raise 666, , "Invalid Index"
      End Select
      IVSReportRecordset_GetFieldName = s
    End Function

    This function returns the name of a field based on its index. The field names are important because they are used by VSReport8 when evaluating the expressions contained in calculated report fields.

    Example Title
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    Private Function IVSReportRecordset_GetFieldType_
                     (ByVal Index As Long) As Long
      IVSReportRecordset_GetFieldType = 8 ' string
    End Function
    Private Function IVSReportRecordset_GetFieldSize_
                     (ByVal Index As Long) As Long
      IVSReportRecordset_GetFieldSize = 50
    End Function

    These functions return each field's type and size. They are not used by VSReport8 except to give it back to the user in case he requests it using the FieldInfo property.

    Example Title
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    Private Function IVSReportRecordset_GetFieldValue
                     (ByVal Index As Long) As Variant
        Dim v
        v = Split(m_sData(m_lCursor), "|")
        IVSReportRecordset_GetFieldValue = v(Index)
    End Function

    This function returns the value for a specific field in the current record. In this example, the function splits the current record string at the pipes using VB's Split function and returns the desired value.

  6. Implement the cursor management functions:

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    Private Sub IVSReportRecordset_MoveFirst()
        m_lCursor = 0
    End Sub
    Private Sub IVSReportRecordset_MoveLast()
        m_lCursor = UBound(m_sData)
    End Sub
    Private Sub IVSReportRecordset_MovePrevious()
        If m_lCursor > 0 Then m_lCursor = m_lCursor - 1
    End Sub
    Private Sub IVSReportRecordset_MoveNext()
        If m_lCursor < UBound(m_sData) Then m_lCursor = m_lCursor + 1
    End Sub
    Private Function IVSReportRecordset_BegOfFile() As Boolean
        IVSReportRecordset_BegOfFile = (m_lCursor = 0)
    End Function
    Private Function IVSReportRecordset_EndOfFile() As Boolean
        IVSReportRecordset_EndOfFile = (m_lCursor >= UBound(m_sData))
    End Function

    These functions move the cursor and inform the caller (VSReport8) whether the cursor has reached the end of the recordset. The functions are simple and generic, and you should be able to use them whenever your data is stored in arrays.

    Example Title
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    Private Function IVSReportRecordset_GetBookmark() As Variant
        IVSReportRecordset_GetBookmark = m_lCursor
    End Function
    Private Sub IVSReportRecordset_SetBookmark(newVal As Variant)
        If newVal < 0 Or newVal > UBound(m_sData) Then
            Err.Raise 666, , "Invalid Bookmark"
            m_lCursor = newVal
        End If
    End Sub

    The bookmark functions allow the caller (VSReport8) to save and restore its current position in the recordset. This is necessary when calculating aggregate expressions.

  7. Implement the filtering and sorting functions:

    Example Title
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    Private Sub IVSReportRecordset_ApplyFilter(ByVal Filter As String)
      Debug.Print "Ignoring filter: "; Filter
    End Sub
    Private Sub IVSReportRecordset_ApplySort(ByVal Sort As String)
      Debug.Print "Ignoring sort: "; Sort
    End Sub

    As you can see, these are dummy implementations. They don't need to do anything, but they need to be there so the class qualifies as a bona-fide IVSReportRecordset.

  8. Instantiate and use the custom recordset as you would use an ADO or DAO recordset. For example, add a button and the following code to the form:

    Example Title
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    Private Sub Command2_Click()
      ' create the custom recordset object
      Dim rs As New MyReportDataSource
      With VSReport1
        .DataSource.Recordset = rs
        .Render VSPrinter1
      End With
    End Sub



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