ComponentOne VSView 8.0
Step 3: Drawing Bar Charts

Drawing bar charts is very similar to drawing pie charts. We will use exactly the same data structure and organization and add a new routine to draw the bar chart. Double-click on the Bar Chart button and add the following code to the cmdBar_Click event handler:

Example Title
Copy Code
Private Sub cmdBar_Click()


  ' set up chart data in variant array:

  ' col 0 has values, col 1 has labels, and

  ' col 2 has colors

  Dim cd(2, 6)

  cd(0, 0) = 30:  cd(1, 0) = "Phone"

  cd(0, 1) = 65:  cd(1, 1) = "Payroll"

  cd(0, 2) = 42:  cd(1, 2) = "Equipment"

  cd(0, 3) = 24:  cd(1, 3) = "Rent"

  cd(0, 4) = 52:  cd(1, 4) = "Advertising"

  cd(0, 5) = 12:  cd(1, 5) = "Production"

  cd(0, 6) = 22:  cd(1, 6) = "Other"

  cd(2, 0) = vbRed

  cd(2, 1) = vbBlue

  cd(2, 2) = vbGreen

  cd(2, 3) = vbYellow

  cd(2, 4) = vbCyan

  cd(2, 5) = vbMagenta

  cd(2, 6) = vbBlack


  ' draw chart

  vd.FontName = "Tahoma"

  DrawBarChart vd, cd, _

       "Expense Report - March 1999" & vbCrLf & _

       "(values in 1,000 US$)"


End Sub

As you can see, this routine is virtually identical to the one we used to draw the pie charts. The only differences are we no longer use negative values, and the drawing routine is DrawBarChart. DrawBarChart is a generic bar-chart routine for the VSDraw control. It is simpler than the pie chart routine, and shows some interesting scaling and text output techniques.

Here is the DrawBarChart routine (again, we suggest you copy it to the clipboard and paste into your project rather than typing it):

Example Title
Copy Code
Sub DrawBarChart(vd As VSDraw, _

                 ByRef ChartData(), _


  Dim i#, max#, barwid#, stp#

  With vd


  ' clear control



  ' setup scale so chart will be scaled to the

  ' rectangle from (0,0) to (1000,1000)

  .ScaleWidth = 1300

  .ScaleLeft = -200

  .ScaleHeight = -1300

  .ScaleTop = 1100

  .FontSize = 50

  .FontBold = True


  ' calculate maximum amount for scaling bars

  For i = 0 To UBound(ChartData, 2)

    If ChartData(0, i) > max Then

      max = ChartData(0, i)

    End If



  ' draw fat black box around chart

  .PenColor = vbBlack

  .PenStyle = psSolid

  .PenWidth = 5

  .BrushColor = BackColor

  .BrushStyle = bsSolid

  .DrawRectangle 0, 0, 1000, 1000


  ' draw horizontal grid

  .FontBold = False

  .TextAlign = tadRight

  .PenWidth = 0

  .PenStyle = psDot

  stp = 1

  If max > 30 Then stp = 10

  If max > 300 Then stp = 100

  If max > 3000 Then stp = 1000

  If max > 30000 Then stp = 10000

  For i = 0 To max Step stp

    .X1 = -25

    .Y1 = 1000 * i / max + .FontSize / 2

    .Text = i

    .Y1 = 1000 * i / max

    If i > 0 And i < max Then

      .DrawLine 0, .Y1, 1000, .Y1

    End If



  ' set up to draw bars

  .PenWidth = 0

  .PenStyle = psSolid

  .BrushStyle = bsSolid

  barwid = 1000 / 2 / (UBound(ChartData, 2) + 1)


  ' draw bars

  .TextAlign = tadLeft

  .TextAngle = -900

  .TextColor = vbWhite

  .FontBold = True

  For i = 0 To UBound(ChartData, 2)

    ' set color

    .BrushColor = ChartData(2, i)

    ' draw bar

    .X1 = barwid + i / UBound(ChartData, 2) * _

          (1000 - 2 * barwid)

    .DrawRectangle .X1 - barwid / 2, 0, _

                   .X1 + barwid / 2, _

                    1000 * ChartData(0, i) / max

    ' draw label

    .X1 = .X1 - .FontSize / 2

    .Y1 = barwid / 2

    .Text = ChartData(1, i) & _

            " (" & ChartData(0, i) & ")"



  ' draw chart title

  .TextAlign = tadCenter

  .TextAngle = 0

  .TextColor = vbBlack

  .FontSize = 50

  .X1 = .ScaleLeft + .ScaleWidth / 2

  .Y1 = .ScaleTop + .ScaleHeight + 3 * .FontSize

  .Text = tit

  End With

End Sub

That's it. The application can already draw pie and bar charts. We're almost done now.



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