ComponentOne VSView 8.0
Page n of m

This example shows two methods for getting headers that indicate the total number of pages in the document (Page n of m).

Method 1: Two Passes

This method is simple and adequate for short documents. It consists of creating the document twice: once just for counting the pages, and once for creating the complete document.

Assuming the VSPrinter control is called vp and that there is a routine called CreateDocument that creates the document, the following code would create the headers we want:

Example Title
Copy Code
  ' pass 1: count the pages

  vp.Header = "Page %d of ?" 'just a placeholder for now





  ' pass 2: set the header, then create the document again

  vp.Header = "Page %d of " & vp.PageCount ' actual page count




This method is simple and works well, but it requires the document to be generated twice. This can be slow if the document is long (over 30 pages or so) or if generating the document requires extensive work such as database access or retrieving data from a network. For these situations, try the single-pass method, described below.

Method 2: Single Pass

This method uses overlays to accomplish the same tasks in a single pass. The headers are drawn on each page after the document is complete. Here is the code:

Example Title
Copy Code
  ' pass 1: create the document with no header

  vp.Header = " "





  ' pass 2: add the headers (not really a "pass"...)

  vp.FontName = "Courier"

  vp.FontSize = 10

  For i = 1 To vp.PageCount

    vp.StartOverlay i

    vp.CurrentX = vp.MarginLeft

    vp.CurrentY = vp.MarginTop - 300

    vp = "Page " & i & " of " & vp.PageCount



Try both methods with a document over 20 pages long and you should notice the difference in speed. The single pass method is substantially faster, especially if the document is complex (with pictures, tables, and RTF text).



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