ComponentOne VSView 8.0
Build an Index

This example shows how you can build an index for a VSPrinter document based on a list of words loaded from a text file. The example is based on the FindText property.

To create the Indexexample, start by adding the following controls to a new VB form:

Next, you will need two external files:

Add the following code to the btnDoIt_Click event handler:

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Private Sub btnDoIt_Click()


  ' user interface

  btnDoIt.Enabled = False

  vp.NavBarText = "Loading..."


  ' set up to create document

  vp.Footer = "TEXT.RTF||Page %d"

  vp.PageBorder = pbColBottom

  vp.Styles.Add "Scratch", vpsAll


  ' load RTF file into document


  vp.PrintFile App.Path & "\text.rtf"


  ' start building index

  vp.NewPage              ' start index on a new page

  vp.FontBold = True      ' print title

  vp.FontSize = 18

  vp = "Index"

  vp.Columns = 2          ' index body on two columns

  vp.FontName = "Times New Roman"

  vp.FontBold = False     ' index body font

  vp.FontSize = 9

  vp.MarginTop = vp.CurrentY

  vp.IndentLeft = "1in"   ' hanging indent

  vp.IndentFirst = -vp.IndentLeft

  vp.IndentTab = 200


  ' build index

  vp.Tag = vp.PageCount

  Open App.Path & "\words.txt" For Input As #1

  Dim sWord$

  While Not EOF(1)

    Line Input #1, sWord

    AddToIndex vp, sWord


  Close #1


  ' done


  vp.NavBarText = ""

  btnDoIt.Enabled = True

  vp.Styles.Apply "Scratch"


  ' show index page

  vp.PreviewPage = vp.Tag


End Sub

This routine loads the RTF file into the VSPrinter control, then opens the file containing the words to be indexed and calls the AddToIndex routine for each word. The AddToIndex routine is the one that does the interesting part of the work, and here it is:

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Sub AddToIndex(vp As VSPrinter, sWord$)


  ' user feedback

  vp.NavBarText = "Indexing " & sWord



  ' look for word in document, build list of pages where it was found

  Dim pg%, sPages$


    pg = vp.FindText(sWord, , pg + 1)

    If pg <= 0 Then Exit Do

    If Len(sPages) > 0 Then sPages = sPages & ", "

    sPages = sPages & pg



  ' if not found, no entry

  If Len(sPages) = 0 Then Exit Sub


  ' compress page list ranges

  sPages = CompressPageRange(sPages)


  ' add word and page list to index

  vp.FontItalic = True

  vp.Text = sWord & vbTab

  vp.FontItalic = False

  vp.Paragraph = sPages


End Sub

The AddToIndex routine uses the FindText property to build a list of pages where the word (or expression) was found in the document, compresses the page list to make it easier to read, then writes the index entry into the main document.

The CompressPageRange routine is optional. It changes lists such as "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13" into "1-5, 10-13", which is easier to read and makes the index look less cluttered. Here is the code:

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Function CompressPageRange(s$) As String

  Dim v, i%, iLast%, iRun%, sRet$


  ' split page list into vector and initialize list

  v = Split(s, ", ")

  iLast = v(0)

  sRet = iLast


  ' process vector

  ' (iRun keeps a count of consecutive pages)

  For i = 1 To UBound(v)

    If Val(v(i)) = iLast + 1 Then

      iRun = iRun + 1


      If iRun = 1 Then sRet = sRet & ", " & iLast

      If iRun > 1 Then sRet = sRet & "-" & iLast

      sRet = sRet & ", " & v(i)

      iRun = 0

    End If

    iLast = v(i)



  ' don't forget the end of the last run

  If iRun = 1 Then sRet = sRet & ", " & iLast

  If iRun > 1 Then sRet = sRet & "-" & iLast


  ' done

  CompressPageRange = sRet

End Function

That's it. The following image shows what a typical index looks like:



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