ComponentOne List 8.0 for ActiveX
Tutorial 22 - Performing a List Search Using the Find Method

In this tutorial you will utilize the Find method in True DBList. The Find method allows you to perform custom searches within the control.

  1. Start a new project.

  2. Based on the following illustration, place one list control (TDBList1), 3 combo boxes (TDBCombo1, 2 and 3), a text box (Text2), a data control (Data1), a command button (Command1) and four labels on the form as shown in the illustration below.

    Set the RowSource of TDBList1 to Data1.

    Set the DataMode property of the three TDBCombo controls to 4 – Storage.

    Define X1, X2 and X3 as New XarrayDB corresponding to the three TDBCombo Boxes. These variables will hold the values for the TDBCombo Boxes.

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    Option Explicit
    Dim X1 As New XArrayDB 'corresponding to 3 TDBComboboxes
    Dim X2 As New XArrayDB
    Dim X3 As New XArrayDB
  3. To connect Data1 to the datasource and fill the three TDBCombo Boxes with values at runtime, add the following code:

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    Private Sub Form_Load()
        'put the form in the middle
        Me.Left = (Screen.Width - Me.Width) \ 2
        Me.Top = (Screen.Height - Me.Height) \ 2
        Data1.Visible = False
        Dim path As String
        On Error Resume Next
        path = App.path & "\..\..\TDBLDemo.mdb" 'database path
        'use run time connection
        With Data1
            .DatabaseName = path
            .RecordSource = "Customers"
        End With
        'fill combo1
        X1.ReDim 0, 3, 0, 0
        X1(0, 0) = "Partial Include"
        X1(1, 0) = "Equal"
        X1(2, 0) = "Less Than"
        X1(3, 0) = "Greater Than"
        With TDBCombo1
            .ColumnHeaders = False
            .Array = X1
            .BoundText = "Partial Include"
        End With
        'fill combo2
        X2.ReDim 0, 1, 0, 0
        X2(0, 0) = "Start From Beginning"
        X2(1, 0) = "Start After Current Row"
        With TDBCombo2
            .ColumnHeaders = False
            .Array = X2
            .BoundText = "Start From Beginning"
        End With
        'fill combo3
        X3.ReDim 0, 6, 0, 0
        X3(0, 0) = "UserCode"
        X3(1, 0) = "LastName"
        X3(2, 0) = "FirstName"
        X3(3, 0) = "Company"
        X3(4, 0) = "Contacted"
        X3(5, 0) = "Phone"
        X3(6, 0) = "CustType"
        With TDBCombo3
            .ColumnHeaders = False
            .Array = X3
            .BoundText = "UserCode"
        End With
        Text2.Text = ""
    End Sub
  4. To handle the Command1 click event, add the following code:

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    Private Sub Command1_Click()
        On Error GoTo Err_Handle
        Dim matchCompare As Integer
        Dim searchPos As Integer
        Dim bk As Variant
        If Text2.Text = "" Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        Select Case TDBCombo1.BoundText
            Case "Partial Include"
                matchCompare = dblSeekPartialEQ
            Case "Equal"
                matchCompare = dblSeekEQ
            Case "Less Than"
                matchCompare = dblSeekLT
            Case "Greater Than"
                matchCompare = dblSeekGT
        End Select
        Select Case TDBCombo2.BoundText
            Case "Start From Beginning"
                searchPos = 1
            Case "Start After Current Row"
                searchPos = 2
        End Select
        If searchPos = 1 Then
            bk = TDBList1.Columns(CStr(TDBCombo3.BoundText)).Find(Text2.Text, matchCompare, True)
            If IsNull(TDBList1.Bookmark) Then
                MsgBox "There is no current row"
                Exit Sub
            End If
            bk = TDBList1.Columns(CStr(TDBCombo3.BoundText)).Find(Text2.Text, matchCompare, False, TDBList1.Bookmark)
        End If
        If Not IsNull(bk) Then
            TDBList1.Bookmark = bk
            MsgBox "Can not find this value!"
        End If
        Exit Sub
        MsgBox Err.Description
    End Sub
  5. Finally, add the code below to clear the memory:

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    Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
        Set X1 = Nothing
        Set X2 = Nothing
        Set X3 = Nothing
    End Sub

Run the program and observe the following:



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