ComponentOne List 8.0 for ActiveX
Searching Bookmarks Using the Find Method

The Find method is used to search the row bookmarks contained in the list control in Bound, Unbound or Storage modes. By using the Find method you can customize the search by selecting the string to search, the method of search and the location of the start of the search.

The syntax for the find method is:

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column.Find(searchStr, searchMode, includeStart, [startBmk])

SearchStr represents the string or number that you wish to search.

SearchMode is the method that your search will use to locate the bookmark. The values that SearchMode can use are:


Finds the first match such that the column value is equal to searchStr.


Finds the first match such that the column value is greater than or equal to searchStr.


Finds the first match such that the column value is greater than searchStr.


Finds the first match such that the column value is less than or equal to searchStr.


Finds the first match such that the column value is less than searchStr.


Finds the first match such that searchStr is the leading part of the column string, for example, “ab” is the leading part of “abstract”.


Finds the first match such that the searchStr is included somewhere within the column string, for example, “put” is within the column string “computer”. (Note: This SearchMode is only available in OLEDB.)

IncludeStart takes values TRUE or FALSE. If the value is TRUE, the search will start from the current StartBmk, otherwise the search will start from the row right after the StartBmk

StartBmk is the bookmark of the row where search begins. This argument is optional, if it does not appear, the StartBmk will be the first row on the control.



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