ComponentOne True DBInput Pro 8.0
TDBNumber Calculator Object Properties

The TDBNumber control's Calculator object provides a drop down calculator for easy calculation and entry at run time. For example, a user may want to calculate hours worked over a fourteen day period, and by using the drop down calculator, they will be able to acquire the sum without checking an alternate source. The user can access the drop down calculator by clicking the down arrow button set the DropDown object, or by pressing a key defined in the Key:controls object property as an action key.

The Calculator object allows you to reduce the size of the width and the height of the drop down calculator. When resizing the calculator the buttons, it will also be adjusted accordingly. Note that the font settings are not available.

The properties of the Calculator object can be set with the Calculator Property Page (TDBNumber) at design time, and can be set with Visual Basic code at run time.

The following code demonstrates how to change the drop down button’s appearance at run time:

Example Title
Copy Code
With TDBNumber.Calculator

    .Height = 0

    .Width = 0

    .ButtonStyle = dbiCalcBtnFlat

    .ShowCalcWindow = True

End With



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