ComponentOne True DBInput Pro 8.0
HolidayStyle Object Properties and Methods

The HolidayStyle object sets up holidays, forces holidays as workdays, and determines whether holidays as a group should override weekends. It also determines the background and text colors to use when drawing the holidays in the Calendar control, as well as other character attributes such as bold, and so on. If a holiday style is registered with a key, it can be located much more quickly later. Also, holiday style settings can be inherited to speed up the settings. All of the properties and methods for the HolidayStyle object are listed in the following reference section:

HolidayStyle Object Properties

Holidays are added to a HolidayStyle object by using the Add or the AddObj method, and removed with either the Clear or the Remove method. Registered holidays make up a Day object, which can be accessed using the Item() property. Simply stated, the HolidayStyle object holds another collection, known as the Days collection, which holds a group of Day objects.



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