ComponentOne True DBInput Pro 8.0
ClipMode Property (TDBMask)


Reference> TDBMask Control> TDBMask Control Properties> ClipMode Property (TDBMask)

ClipMode Property (TDBMask)

This property determines whether to include or exclude literals when copying entered data to the clipboard.


control.ClipMode= value

Read/Write at run time and design time.


Design Time

Run Time

0 - Include Literals (Default)


1 - Exclude Literals



If set to 0-Include literals, the text in the control will be copied to the Clipboard exactly as it appears. For example, a yyyy/mm/dd format date is sent to the Clipboard as 1998/03/16, or a hh:nn:ss AM/PM format time is sent to the Clipboard as 01:00:00 PM.

If set to 1-Exclude literals, the date is sent to the Clipboard as "19980316".

Shortcut keys such as [CTRL+INS] or [CTRL+C] can be used also to copy data to the clipboard.

The SelText property is also affected by the setting of the ClipMode property.

When the control allows free format entry, this property will always copy all characters to the Clipboard.

See Also

SelText Property (TDBMask)

Format Property (TDBDate)

Format Property (TDBMask)

Format Property (TDBNumber)

Format Property (TDBTime)



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