ComponentOne True DBGrid Pro 8
Tutorial 5 - Selecting Multiple Rows Using Bookmarks

In this tutorial, you will learn how to select and highlight records that satisfy specified criteria. A group of similar items is generally implemented as a collection in True DBGrid. When manipulating a group of items in True DBGrid, use techniques similar to those described here. In this case, a row or record is represented by a bookmark and a group of selected rows is represented by a SelBookmarks collection.

To make the project a bit more interesting, when setting up the RecordSource property of the Data control, you will also learn how to use an SQL statement to create a join between two tables in a database.

  1. Start a new project.

  2. Place the following controls on the form (Form1) as shown in the figure: a Data control (Data1), a True DBGrid control (TDBGrid1), and two command buttons (Command1 and Command2).

  3. Set the DatabaseName property of Data1 to TDBGDemo.MDB, and the RecordSource property to the following SQL statement:

    select * from composer, opus, composer inner join opus on composer.last = opus.last

    This will create a Recordset containing all records from Composer joined with Opus having the same values of the data field Last.

  4. Set the DataSource properties of TDBGrid1 to Data1.

  5. Set the Caption properties of Command1 and Command2 to "Select" and "Clear", respectively.

  6. We can easily select and deselect rows in True DBGrid by manipulating the SelBookmarks collection. To select rows, place the following code in the Click event of Command1:

    Example Title
    Copy Code
    Private Sub Command1_Click()
    ' This routine loops through the Recordset to find and highlight all records with Country = "Germany".
    ' We shall use a clone so that we do not move the actual record position of the Data control.
        Dim dclone As Recordset
        Set dclone = Data1.Recordset.Clone()
        ' In case there is a large Recordset to search through.
        Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
        ' For each matching record, add the bookmark to the SelBookmarks
        ' collection of the grid. The grid will highlight the corresponding rows.
        ' Note that the bookmarks of a clone are compatible with the original set.
        ' This is ONLY true of clones.
        Dim SelBks As TrueDBGrid80.SelBookmarks
        Set SelBks = TDBGrid1.SelBookmarks
        Dim Criteria$
        Criteria$ = "Country = 'Germany'"
        dclone.FindFirst Criteria$
        While Not dclone.NoMatch
            SelBks.Add dclone.Bookmark
            dclone.FindNext Criteria$
        ' Restore regular mouse pointer.
        Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
    End Sub
  7. To deselect rows, place the following code in the Click event of Command2:

    Example Title
    Copy Code
    Private Sub Command2_Click()
    ' Clear all selected rows by removing the selected records from the SelBookmarks collection.
        Dim SelBks As TrueDBGrid80.SelBookmarks
        Set SelBks = TDBGrid1.SelBookmarks
        While SelBks.Count <> 0
            SelBks.Remove 0
    End Sub

Run the program and observe the following:

This concludes Tutorial 5.



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