ComponentOne True DBGrid Pro 8
Tutorial 3 - Linking Multiple True DBGrid Controls

This tutorial demonstrates how you can link multiple True DBGrid controls using the RowColChange event to trigger related actions. This technique is particularly useful for displaying master-detail relationships.

  1. Start a new project.

  2. Place two Data controls (Data1 and Data2) and two True DBGrid controls (TDBGrid1 and TDBGrid2) on the form (Form1) as shown in this figure.

  3. Set the DatabaseName property of Data1 to TDBGDemo.MDB, the RecordSource property to Composer, and the Caption property to "Composers".

  4. Set the DatabaseName property of Data2 to TDBGDemo.MDB, the RecordSource property to Opus, and the Caption property to "Their Compositions".

  5. Set the DataSource properties of TDBGrid1 and TDBGrid2 to Data1 and Data2, respectively.

  6. Add the following code to the RowColChange event of TDBGrid1:

    Example Title
    Copy Code
    Private Sub TDBGrid1_RowColChange(LastRow As Variant, ByVal
     LastCol As Integer)
    ' A query is performed by taking the "LAST" name field from the Data1 control
    ' and building an SQL query on the LAST name field in the Data2 (compositions)
    ' file.
    ' The Second grid will respond automatically when the Data Control causes the
    ' change. We put up an hourglass so that there's a bit of feedback if Access
    ' is slow at finishing the query.
    Dim lastname$
    Dim bk1 As String, bk2 As String
    ' To reliably compare bookmarks, you must first convert them into strings. You
    ' will also need to test for Null Bookmarks being passed by LastRow. This will
    ' occur on the initial display of the grid and if the user places the cursor
    ' on the AddNewRow and then moves off.
    If IsNull(LastRow) Then
        bk1 = ""
        bk1 = LastRow
    End If
    bk2 = TDBGrid1.Bookmark
    If bk1 <> bk2 Then
        Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
        lastname$ = Data1.Recordset("Last")
        Data2.RecordSource = "SELECT * FROM OPUS WHERE LAST = " _
                             + Chr$(34) + lastname$ + Chr$(34)
        Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
    End If
    End Sub

Run the program and observe the following:

This concludes Tutorial 3.



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