ComponentOne True DBGrid Pro 8
FirstRowChange Event


Object Reference> True DBGrid Events> FirstRowChange Event

FirstRowChange Event

The FirstRowChange event occurs when the first displayed row of a control or split is changed.


TDBGrid_FirstRowChange (ByVal SplitIndex As Integer)

TDBDropDown_FirstRowChange ( )


SplitIndex is the zero-based index of the split in which the row change occurred. This argument is omitted for TDBDropDown controls.


This event is triggered under several circumstances:

·      When the grid is first displayed.

·      When the user scrolls through the grid with the vertical scroll bar or navigation keys.

·      When data in the grid is changed in a way that implicitly affects the first row, such as when the first displayed record is deleted.

·      When the FirstRow property is changed in code to a different value.

When multiple cell change events are sent, the order will be SplitChange, FirstRowChange, LeftColChange, and RowColChange. None of these events will be sent until any modified data has been validated with the BeforeColUpdate event.

See Also

TDBGrid Control

TDBDropDown Control



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