ComponentOne True DataControl 8.0
Using one TData Control

The same TData control can be used for both entering a query and displaying the query results. Setting QueryMode to False after a query has been entered generates a query condition (in other words, filter) and switches from query mode to result mode, reconnecting to the data source. The generated query filter is applied to the resulting recordset. See Using True DataControl to formulate a query for more information.

To switch between query and result modes, set the QueryMode property in code, or use the Query toggle button on the TData control. The Query toggle button is enabled by the ButtonQuery property.

If you need to reset the query filter, that is, to switch to result mode without any restrictions, with an empty filter, you can so by emptying the underlying XArrayDB object before setting QueryMode =False. You can access the XArrayDB object containing the query with the control’s Array property.



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