ComponentOne True DataControl 8.0
Tutorial 9 - Automatic Updating of Control Properties

This tutorial demonstrates the correlation between control properties and True DataControl expressions. For instance, if a button should be enabled if, and only if, a variable Name is nonempty, why not set the button’s Enabled property in the Properties window to:

Example Title
Copy Code
Name <> ""

Unfortunately, Visual Basic does not support this, but True DataControl does!

  1. Start a new project.

  2. Place the following controls on the form (Form1) as shown in the figure: a TData control (TData1), a DataGrid control (DataGrid1), six TextBox controls (Text1 to 6) and six labels (Label1 to 6).

  3. Set properties as follows (you can use the DataSource property page to set TData data source properties, as described in Tutorial 1):

    Example Title
    Copy Code
    Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.3.51;Persist Security
    Info=False;Data Source=C:\Program Files\ComponentOne Studio\Common\TDDEMO.MDB
    TData1.CommandType   2 – adCmdTable
    TData1.RecordSource  Orders
    DataGrid1.DataSource TData1
    Text1.DataSource     TData1
    Text1.DataField      OrderID
    Text2.DataSource     TData1
    Text2.DataField      RequiredDate
    Text3.DataSource     TData1
    Text3.DataField      ShippedDate
    Text4.DataSource     TData1
    Text4.DataField      ShipName
    Text5.DataSource     TData1
    Text5.DataField      ShipCountry
    Text6.DataSource     TData1
    Text6.DataField      ShipRegion

    Set the label captions as shown in the picture.

  4. Open the True DataControl property pages for TData1 and go to the Property Expressions page. The Available Controls tree displays a hierarchical outline of all controls existing on your form. Expand some of them by clicking the plus sign (+) or pressing the plus sign on the numeric keypad. Properties that return objects (such as Font) can be expanded further to reveal their constituent properties. Select and expand the Label6 control. Next, select its Caption property. The name of the property, Label6.Caption, will appear in the Property text box. Press the New button or select New from the context menu to enable the Value Expression edit control and its adjacent ellipsis button.

  5. Type the following text into the Value Expression text box:

    Example Title
    Copy Code
    IIF(ShipCountry = "USA", "State:", "Region:")

    The following setting is added to the properties area in the left part of the page:

    Example Title
    Copy Code
    Label6.Caption = IIF(ShipCountry = "USA", "State:", "Region:")

    Here IIF(Condition, Value1, Value2) returns Value1 if Condition is True and Value2 otherwise. This is all you need to make the Caption property of Label6 assume one of two values according to the value of the ShipCountry field of TData1. The caption will be automatically set to State: when ShipCountry = ”USA” and Region: when ShipCountry <>“USA”.

  6. Add two more property expressions following the steps above:

    Example Title
    Copy Code
    Text3.Font.Bold = RequiredDate - ShippedDate < 10
    Text2.BackColor = IIF(RequiredDate - ShippedDate > 20, &H000000FF&, &H80000005&)

     Press Apply to save the changes.

  7. Go to the Fields property page and change the order of fields by dragging the ShipCountry field and dropping it before the EmployeeID field. This operation is not essential for our tutorial; it is intended only to make the ShipCountry field appear in the grid before fields that are less relevant.

Run the Program and Observe the Following:

Close the program. You have successfully completed Tutorial 9.



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