ComponentOne True DataControl 8.0
True DataControl Lite

True DataControl Lite (TDataLite) is a freeware control; it can be downloaded from the ComponentOne Web site and used free of charge.

The purpose of True DataControl Lite is twofold:

TDataLite is a “junior” version of ComponentOne True DataControl. If you find TDataLite useful, we encourage you to explore the great features of True DataControl. You can download a trial version of True DataControl from the ComponentOne Web site at

Among the valuable additions to TDBGrid functionality now available with TDataLite 8.0 is the new crosstab data presentation, see Tutorial 2 - Crosstab, and the new pivot table (OLAP, decision support) data presentation, see Tutorial 10 - OLAP - Decision Support, Pivot Table.

Several important features of True DataControl are unavailable in the Lite edition:

On the other hand, TDataLite is not just a limited version of TData. There is one scenario where TDataLite can do what TData cannot. This is when you bind controls to a standard data source and benefit from TDataLite features without actually binding your controls to TDataLite. TData can only function as a data source when your controls are bound (their DataSource property set) directly to the TData control. TDataLite, on the other hand, can be used “on the side”. For example, you bind a grid to an ADODC control, bind a TDataLite to the same ADODC control and define constraints in the TDataLite control. The constraints will be enforced, but the grid will still be bound to the same ADODC control, without TDataLite as a go-between.



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