ComponentOne True DataControl 8.0
SetUIString Method


SetUIString Method

Changes a string shown to the end-user.


TData.SetUIString Index, text


Method applies to TData control and TDataLite control.

Arguments: Index is one of the TDStringEnum constants, identifying a string that appears in the True DataControl end-user interface (button tooltips, Find and Bookmarks dialogs, confirmation and error messages).

Text is a String value that is substituted instead of the standard TData control string for the particular user-interface element identified by the Index argument.

Return Value: None

This method allows you to customize and/or localize (for languages other than English) any string presented by the TData control to the end-user. The only exception is the message box caption, which is governed by a special property, ErrorMsgCaption.

TDStringEnum is a big enumeration listing all True DataControl user interface strings. The following is the list of possible Index values:

Prompt strings: tdbStringRestorePrompt = 0

Prompt to restore the field's previous value, appearing in the error message on field errors:   "Do you want to restore the previous value?"

Button tooltips:

tdbStringTooltipFirst = 1,

tdbStringTooltipPrevious = 2,

tdbStringTooltipNext = 3,

tdbStringTooltipLast = 4,

tdbStringTooltipNextPage = 5,

tdbStringTooltipPrevPage = 6,

tdbStringTooltipAdd = 7,

tdbStringTooltipDelete = 8,

tdbStringTooltipUpdate = 9,

tdbStringTooltipCancel = 10,

tdbStringTooltipBookmarks = 11,

tdbStringTooltipFind = 12,

tdbStringTooltipQuery = 13

Confirmation messages:

tdbStringConfirmDelete = 14,

tdbStringConfirmCancel = 15

Control captions in the Bookmarks dialog:

tdbStringBookmarksCaption = 16,

tdbStringBookmarksNameLabel = 17,

tdbStringBookmarksAdd = 18,

tdbStringBookmarksDelete = 19,

tdbStringBookmarksGoto = 20,

tdbStringBookmarksCancel = 21

Information messages:

tdbStringFindNotFound = 22

Text of the "not found" message appearing in the Find dialog: "The search item was not found".

Control captions in the Find dialog:

tdbStringFindCaption = 23,

tdbStringFindFieldLabel = 24,

tdbStringFindWhatLabel = 25,

tdbStringFindMatchLabel = 26,

tdbStringFindSearchLabel = 27,

tdbStringFindMatchCase = 28,

tdbStringFindFirst = 29,

tdbStringFindNext = 30,

tdbStringFindCancel = 31

tdbStringFindMatchEqual = 32,

tdbStringFindMatchGreaterOrEqual = 33,

tdbStringFindMatchGreater = 34,

tdbStringFindMatchLessOrEqual = 35,

tdbStringFindMatchLess = 36,

tdbStringFindMatchStartsWith = 37,

tdbStringFindMatchContains = 38,

tdbStringFindSearchUp = 39,

tdbStringFindSearchDown = 40,

tdbStringFindSearchAll = 41

See Also

TData Control



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