ComponentOne True DataControl 8.0
SetButtonPicture Method


SetButtonPicture Method

Changes the picture on a button.


TData.SetButtonPicture Index, Enabled, Picture


Method applies to TData control and TDataLite control.

Arguments: Index is one of the TDButtonEnum constants, identifying a button of the TData control.

Enabled is a Boolean value. Setting it to True indicates that the specified picture must be used when the button is enabled, False means the picture is used when the button is disabled.

Picture is a variant value containing the picture image. It can be obtained from the LoadPicture function.

Return Value: None

This method allows you to customize the picture for a button identified by one of the following constants (TDButtonEnum) specified by the Index argument:

0 - tdbButtonFirst

1 - tdbButtonPrevious

2 - tdbButtonNext

3 - tdbButtonLast

4 - tdbButtonNextPage

5 - tdbButtonPrevPage

6 - tdbButtonAdd

7 - tdbButtonDelete

8 - tdbButtonUpdate

9 - tdbButtonCancel

10 - tdbButtonBookmarks

11 - tdbButtonFind

12 - tdbButtonQuery

You need to supply two images for each button that you choose to customize. Call SetButtonPicture twice, with the Enabled argument set to True and False. One image is used when the button is enabled, the other when it is disabled.

See Also

TData Control



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