ComponentOne True DataControl 8.0
RowCount Property


RowCount Property

Number of rows passed/returned in the buffer.


rowbuffer.RowCount= long


Read/Write at run time. Not available at design time. Property applies to RowBuffer object.

This property returns or sets the number of rows in a RowBuffer object passed to an event handler for a TData control in user events mode, with its DataMode property set to 2 - User Events.

When the UserReadData event is fired, this property indicates the number of rows requested from the data source. When the UserWriteData or UserAddData event is fired, this property always returns 1, since only a single row can be updated or added at a time.

Rows in a row buffer are indexed from 0 to RowCount - 1.

If your UserReadData event handler is able to supply RowCount rows, then it should do so without changing the value of RowCount. However, if there are not enough rows in your data source, then your handler should supply as many rows as it can and set the value of RowCount accordingly. You can set RowCount to zero to indicate that an end-of-data condition has occurred.

You can also set RowCount to zero in a UserWriteData or UserAddData handler to indicate that an error condition has occurred.

See Also

RowBuffer Object



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