ComponentOne True DataControl 8.0
OpenData Event


OpenData Event

Occurs at startup and on every refresh. Allows the user to set the underlying recordset (SourceRecordset property) or XArrayDB (Array property) object.


TData_OpenData ()


Arguments: None

The OpenData event fires when a TData control begins to populate its recordset, which occurs under the following circumstances:

·      At the start of program execution.

·      When the control is refreshed explicitly via the Refresh method with NoEvents argument set to False.

·      When the control is refreshed implicitly: as a result of asynchronous expression evaluation; repositioning the Master control to a different row; or a change in SourceRecordset.

The OpenData event occurs after WillOpenData, before OpenDataComplete.

In data source mode (DataMode = 0 – DataSource), it gives you an opportunity to set the SourceRecordset property to a desired recordset, or to modify the SourceRecordset created by the TData control. See Data Source Mode for details.

In memory array mode (DataMode = 1 – MemoryArray), it allows the user to set the Array property to an XArrayDB object, or to re-dimension, populate and modify the standard XArrayDB object created by the TData control. See Memory Array Mode for details.

See Also

TData Control



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