ComponentOne True DataControl 8.0
LinkType Property


LinkType Property

Specifies how this control is linked to another TData control.


TData.LinkType = value


Read/Write at design time. Read-only at run time. Property applies to TData control.


Design Time

Run Time

0 - None (default)


1 - Outer


2 - Inner



This property specifies whether and how a dependent TData control is linked in a one-to-one relationship with its Master control.

If set to 0 - None (the default), the control does not participate in a one-to-one link, even if its Master property is set. Unless you intend to create a one-to-one link between two TData controls, you should use this default setting.

If set to 1 - Outer, the control is linked to its Master control, and master records that have no counterpart in this control are included in the resulting recordset (linked fields are left empty in such records).

If set to 2 - Inner, the control is linked to its Master control, and master records that have no counterpart in this control are excluded from the resulting recordset.

See Also

TData Control



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