ComponentOne True DataControl 8.0
EOFAction Property


EOFAction Property

Action taken on reaching EOF (end of file).


TData.EOFAction = value


Read/Write at run time and design time. Property applies to TData control and TDataLite control.


Design Time

Run Time

0 - MoveLast (default)


1 - StayEOF


2 - AddNew



This property determines the action taken when the user attempts to move forward past the last data record by pressing the TData control’s Next button. When set to 0 - MoveLast (the default), the control makes the last record current. When set to 1 - StayEOF, the control positions after the end of the recordset (EOF) and disables its Move Last button. When set to2 - AddNew, the control adds a new row to the recordset and positions on the newly added row.

Note: At design time, this property is not available in the property pages and must be set in the Visual Basic Properties window.

See Also

TData Control



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