ComponentOne True DataControl 8.0
DisplayName Property (Field)

Returns/sets the user-friendly name of a field in the Find dialog.


Field.DisplayName= string


Read/Write at run time and design time. Property applies to Field object.

This property specifies the user-friendly name of the field. By default, its value is equal to that of the Name property. But the Name has to obey strict rules, because it is used to identify the field in True DataControl expressions where only correct identifiers are allowed. For example, Name can’t contain spaces. The DisplayName property allows you to specify a separate name for user interface purposes.

In the current TData control version, the DisplayName property is used for the sole purpose of customizing field names appearing in the Find Dialog. Future versions can use it in other contexts, so it is a good idea to specify DisplayName for fields whose names are not self-explanatory.



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