ComponentOne True DataControl 8.0
DataRead Event


DataRead Event

Occurs immediately after retrieving a row of values from the data source.


TData_DataRead (ByVal Bookmark As Variant, Values As Variant)


Arguments: Bookmark indicates the row that was fetched from the data source. It can be ignored in most simple cases.

Values is an array of field values retrieved from the fetched row. It is a one-dimensional array indexed with an integer number from 0 to TData.Fields.Count. Values(n) represents the value of the n-th field in the TData control.

The DataRead event allows the developer to modify field values when they are retrieved from the data source. It can be used for formatting and other similar purposes, when data is stored in a form different from what you want to present to TData and its users. If you modify some field values in the Values array, TData will consider those modified values retrieved from the data source. The original, unmodified values will not appear in TData in any way.

The DataRead event occurs only if the CallDataRead property is set to True. It is False by default, so you have to change that property to True if you intend to use DataRead.

For more information, see Modifying Field Values Retrieving and Saving Them in the Data Source.

See Also

TData Control



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