ComponentOne True DataControl 8.0
AutoRefresh Property


AutoRefresh Property

Controls automatic refresh of detail control upon change in master.


TData.AutoRefresh = value


Read/Write at run time and design time. Property applies to TData control.


Design Time

Run Time

0 - None


1 - Immediate


2 - When Idle (default)



Specifies whether and when a TData control is repopulated with new data upon a change in its master TData control. The AutoRefresh property only affects dependent TData controls, that is, those with the Master property set to a non-empty value.

If AutoRefresh is 0 - None, changes in the master do not cause automatic refresh, so you must call the Refresh method explicitly to synchronize this control with its master. You can use this setting to bypass the automatic refresh of a detail control in a master-detail relationship.

If AutoRefresh is 1 - Immediate, any change to the value of a master’s field or parameter, as well as any repositioning of the master’s current row, immediately triggers a refresh of this TData control. Since this can be a time-consuming operation, the Immediate setting is recommended only for forms that display one master record at a time.

If AutoRefresh is 2 - When Idle, changes in the master control cause an automatic refresh of this TData control, just as with the Immediate setting. The difference is that the process is optimized for fast navigation, such as when multiple master records are displayed in a bound grid.  With this setting, refresh operations are performed after a short delay, in idle time, so that the user will not notice any delay other than that needed to retrieve the master records. For example, if the user repeatedly presses the down arrow key on a master grid in quick succession, the master TData control will not refresh the detail records until it stops receiving notifications caused by the repetitive keyboard activity.

See Also

TData Control



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