MVC4 Mobile Classic
Using Your Custom ThemeRoller Theme

When you've finished customizing your swatches, you can download and use your theme:

  1. Click the Download theme .zip file button. This will open the download popup window.
  2. Give your theme a name and click the Download Zip button.  For this application, the theme was named myTheme.
  3. Once your .zip file has downloaded, extract the files. For this example, the files were extracted to a folder called mycustomtheme.
  4. Add the files to your application:
    1. Right-click the Content folder in the Solution Explorer and select Add | Existing Item.
    2. Browse to find your extracted custom theme files. Locate your myTheme.min CSS file and click Add. The file will be added to your application.
  5. In  the _Layout.cshtml file, locate the following Razor syntax:

    And modify it so that it resembles the following sample. Remember to reference your own custom theme name:

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="~/Content/myTheme.min.css">
  6. When you run your application, it will be themed with your custom theme.



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