ComponentOne Chart 8.0 for ActiveX
Logarithmic Axes


Logarithmic Axes

Axis annotation is normally interpreted and drawn in a linear fashion. You can set any axis to be interpreted logarithmically (log base 10), as shown below. Logarithmic axes are useful for charting certain types of scientific data.

Because of the nature of logarithmic axes, they impose the following restrictions on the chart:

·      Any data that is less than or equal to zero is not graphed (it is treated as a data hole), since a logarithmic axis only handles data values that are greater than zero. For the same reason, axis and data minimum/maximum bounds and origin properties cannot be set to zero or less.

·      Axis numbering increment, ticking increment, and precision properties have no effect when the axis is logarithmic.

·      For a logarithmic X-axis, the chart type must be either plot, bubble, area, HiLo, HiLoOpenClose or candle. For the Y-axis, the chart type must be either plot, bubble, area, polar, HiLo, HiLoOpenClose, candle, radar or filled radar.

·      The annotation method for the X-axis cannot be TimeLabels.

Specifying a Logarithmic Axis



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