ComponentOne Chart 8.0 for ActiveX
Data Organization


Data Organization

Data in a chart is organized into chart groups. Each chart contains two chart groups (although most charts will only use the first ChartGroup), each of which is treated as a separate entity. In 2D Chart, a chart group is represented by a ChartGroup object.

Within a chart group, data is represented by the Data property, which is a Chart2DData object. The Chart2DData object defines the following properties which control the data to be displayed in the chart:

The NumSeries property defines the number of data series in the chart group.

·      The NumPoints property defines the number of data points in a series. This property is indexed by series. For example, the statement

NumPoints = Chart2D1.ChartGroups(1).Data.NumPoints(1)

assigns the number of data points in the first series to the NumPoints variable.

·      The Layout property specifies the data layout. Its value must be a data layout constant specifying either array or general data. If array data is specified, each series is assumed to have the same number of data points.

·      The X and Y properties specify the X- and Y-coordinates of a particular data point. These properties are indexed by series and point. For example, the statement

Xval = Chart2D1.ChartGroups(1).Data.X(1,3)

assigns the X-coordinate of the third point in the first data series to Xval.

The following diagram is an example of a plot of array data:

And here is a plot of general data:



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