ComponentOne Windows 7 Control Pack for WinForms
Adding JumpLinks
Windows 7 Control Pack for WinForms Task-Based Help > C1TaskbarButton Task-Based Help > Working with the Jump List > Adding JumpLinks

A jump link is a link from the jump list to an application. Jump links can be added at design time using a collection editor, or they may be added dynamically with code.

In the Designer

Complete the following steps:

  1. Open the C1JumpList.Items Collection Editor in one of the following ways:
    • Click the C1TaskbarButtons smart tag to open the C1TaskbarButton Tasks Menu and select Edit Jump Items.


    • In the Properties window, expand the JumpList node and then, next to Items, click the ellipses button.
  2. In the C1JumpList.Items Collection Editor, open the Add drop-down list and select C1JumpLink.
  3. Set the properties in the properties grid.

In Code

The following code creates one C1JumpLink and adds it to the jump list:

To write code in Visual Basic

Visual Basic
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Dim c1JumpLink1 As New C1JumpLink()

To write code in C#

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C1JumpLink c1JumpLink1 = new C1JumpLink();

If you'd like to add a range of C1JumpLinks to the jump list, you can use the AddRange method instead, like this:

To write code in Visual Basic

Visual Basic
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Dim C1JumpLink1 As New C1JumpLink()
Dim C1JumpLink2 As New C1JumpLink()
C1TaskbarButton1.JumpList.Items.AddRange(New C1.Win.C1Win7Pack.C1JumpLink() {C1JumpLink1, C1JumpLink2})

To write code in C#

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C1JumpLink C1JumpLink1 = new C1JumpLink();
C1JumpLink C1JumpLink2 = new C1JumpLink();
c1TaskbarButton1.JumpList.Items.AddRange(new C1.Win.C1Win7Pack.C1JumpLink[] {