Uploader for Silverlight
C1.Silverlight.Uploader Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
ClassC1Uploader Represents an object that uploads files to a server.
ClassC1UploaderPost Represents a class that uploads files to the server using multipart POST messages.
ClassC1UploaderWebService Represents a class that uploads files to the server using Web services.
ClassFilePackager Represents an object that maps files into server requests.
ClassFilePackagerFactory Static class that creates FilePackager objects.
ClassFilePackagerMultiFile FilePackager that packages multiple files per request.
ClassFilePackagerPartialFile FilePackager that breaks up files into multiple requests.
ClassFilePackagerSingleFile FilePackager that packages one file per request.
ClassInvalidAddressException This exception is raised if the address of the service to be called is not correct.
ClassMaximumUploadSizeExceededException This exception is raised when the size needed to do the upload is greater than the size specified by the user.
ClassMIMETypeRequestedEventArgs Provides data for the C1UploaderPost.MIMETypeRequested event.
ClassUploadCompletedEventArgs Contains data about upload completed event of the upload file
ClassUploadFileInfo Wraps the information of files that comes from different sources.
ClassUploadFilePartInfo Represents a file part. It can be a file or a file segment.
ClassUploadFilePartPackage Contains a sets of UploadFilePartInfo.
ClassUploadManagerPost Class that packages files into multipart POST requests.
ClassUploadManagerSettings Contains parameters that specify the behavior of IUploadManager objects.
ClassUploadManagerSettingsPost Contains parameters that specify the behavior of UploadManagerPost objects.
ClassUploadManagerSettingsWebService Contains parameters that specify the behavior of UploadManagerWebService objects.
ClassUploadManagerWebService Class that packages files into Web Service requests.
ClassUploadProgressChangedEventArgs Contains data about progress changed event of the upload file.
InterfaceIUploadManager Interface implemented by classes that package files into server requests.
DelegateC1UploaderPost.MIMETypeRequestedEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the C1UploaderPost.MIMETypeRequested event.
EnumerationFilesPerRequest Specifies how files are mapped into server requests.
EnumerationMultipartPostEncoding Specifies the encoding of the data that will be sent in the post message.
See Also


C1.Silverlight.Uploader.5 Assembly

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